Dinner Party: unusual recipes for the holidays

Dinner Party: unusual recipes for the holidays
 More recently, we are inviting to a dinner party, exhibited on the table everything that was in the house: pickles, numerous snacks. And often made salads, aspic and many other dishes that are served before the main. In Western countries differently: there decided to invite guests for one thing: halibut, roasted leg of lamb, turkey. Modern society prefers a middle ground.

Prepare for a dinner party the famous French dish - Cock-a-van, that is, coq au vin. On carcass weighing about three pounds must take 150 grams is not too greasy bacon, cut it into cubes and fry in a dry frying pan to rendering the fat. Greaves postpone, they are still useful. Chicken pieces with salt and fry in heated with fat and also postponed. All on the same skillet sauté chopped onions 3-4 shallots and chopped 250g mushrooms.

At the end of dobavit1 tbsp tomato paste. Pour 0, 5 liters. red wine - you can take Burgundy and Beaujolais can. Evaporate the sauce is recommended about 10 min., Then add the chicken pieces and greaves. Thickened with béchamel cock made of 50 grams of butter and 20 g of flour. Cook on medium heat for about 20-30 minutes. Serve with vegetables, steamed, and parsley.

Another unusual dish, which is recommended to cook for a dinner party - pike quenelles with spinach and mashed potatoes. For quenelle should buy a pike weighing about 2 kg, remove the scales, cut off the head and tail section, disembowel, to cut into fillets. Skip fillets, 2 slices of white bread without crust, 1 large onion through a meat grinder. Minced salt and season with white pepper. 1 kg of boiled potatoes, 100 ml. heavy cream and egg yolks 3 egg mash. Season with salt. 400 g Spinach sort, wash and blanch in boiling water, slightly salted and acidulated with a few drops of lemon juice.

Of pike quenelles cook minced, shaped their two tablespoons of broth and steamed. On the fireproof dish lay pressed and chopped spinach on it - dumplings, place a border of mashed potatoes. Heat but do not boil 250 ml. cream, dissolve them in 2 egg yolks, stirring cook until thick. Salt, pepper, season with chopped dill 30 g. Drizzle sauce dish with quenelles, spinach and mashed potatoes, then put in the oven for 10 minutes.

An unusual recipe for a dinner party - leg of lamb baked in Irish style. It is festive, it is surprising and unusual tasty. All fans of brutal animal food will be delighted. For the preparation you need leg of lamb weighing approximately 2, 5 kg, 100 g bacon, diced, minced garlic 25 grams, 50 grams of peppermint leaves, 100 g of honey, 20 ml. lemon juice, star anise, salt and pepper. Cut away the excess fat from the lamb (but do not remove all of it). If the meat is too lean - make cuts and tuck them in slices of bacon.

Mix the chopped parsley with all the other ingredients and generously rub the meat with this mixture. Carefully place it in cooking sleeve so that the film layer between the upper leg and there is a gap. It is necessary for golden brown. Roast lamb over medium heat for about 2 hours. Then take out, being careful not to burn yourself, bend the edge of the sleeve and check special needle - Are your holiday dish.

Tags: foot dish, holiday, dinner, wine, recipe, rooster