Books that should be read every girl

Books that should be read every girl
 In schools and universities from time to time give us a list of references. They are listed books that must be read. Of course, most of these books and will we never touched. We always think, "That will have a lot of free time - then just" War and Peace "read! "But life goes, and Tolstoy's immortal novel and is gathering dust on the shelf. However, there are some books that are really worth to read.

Why do we read books, especially books classics? At this moment we have several reasons. The first reason - because we need. Told to read books from the list on vacation - so will have at least something to read yes. The second reason - because it is interesting. The third reason is also quite widespread - the desire to be able to maintain a conversation in the society of educated people, not to get into a mess when it comes to world literature.

But besides all this book gives us something more. They often help us to understand some things that just need to understand in life, help us to understand the intricacies of the human soul, teach us (going to or not) the right attitude to life and love.

There are many lists and rankings of the "123 books that everyone should read." Let's look at some of them and focus attention on those books that would prove useful precisely girls.

1. "The Bible." Council read this book does not imply any kind of religious propaganda was. It does not matter whether you are a believer or not a person, no matter to what religious denomination you belong. With the cultural point of view, the Bible is an inexhaustible source of all kinds of quotations, allusions and reminiscences. A huge number of classic works of literature refers to the text of the Bible, so understanding these texts must be familiar with the text of the Bible.

2. Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace." Speak a thousand times the value of this book, you probably should not. And do not be afraid of the scope of this work - read it nice and easy.

3. Fyodor Dostoyevsky's "Crime and Punishment". Have not been able to master this novel in school? It's time to catch up. No wonder Dostoevsky is a favorite Russian writer abroad.

4. Alexander Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin". Pushkin - is, as we know, our everything. Its unique novel in verse can not leave indifferent any girl.

5. Victor Hugo's "Notre Dame de Paris." A remarkable example of French Romanticism for centuries makes women's hearts empathize heroes.

6. Stendhal, "Red and Black". Life of the young Julien Sorel, no doubt, is worthy of attention of any girl.

7. George Orwell's "1984". This book can play a fairly important role in shaping the outlook and attitude towards certain political, social and spiritual processes of our society.

8. Nikolai Gogol "Dead Souls". The life of the landlords, and indeed many of the features of the human soul can learn from this remarkable book, which, alas, is not left to finish.

9. Mikhail Bulgakov, "Master and Margarita". Do not fall in love with this book is simply impossible, and to fully understand all the hidden its meaning, perhaps, not enough life.

10. George Tolkien, "The Lord of the Rings." Literary standard fantasy genre.

11. Erich Maria Remarque, "Arc de Triomphe". Old Paris through the eyes of illegal immigrants and brilliant doctor on the eve of World War II should see each girl.

12. Gustave Flaubert, "Madame Bovary." About women and femininity in its most extreme manifestations. Undoubtedly, this book is worth it to read it.

13. Ray Bradbury, "Fahrenheit 451". Firefighters need to burn books. Maybe if the girls will not read books, then soon we will live in a world described this remarkable writer.

14. Victor Pelevin, «Generation P». Recently filmed, this novel by Victor Pelevin remains the most famous book author. And no wonder - the theme of the consumer society in the novel revealed in all its diversity, and with a great sense of humor.

15. Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye." This novel is not fond of the same generation, and Holden Caulfield became a hero to many young people. Can be considered as the most benefits of this pedagogy.

Of course, this list is endless, it is not together and one tenth of those books that is really worth reading. But it is possible to start with it, especially if you have not yet consider myself to be actively reading people.

Tags: girl book