Funds from heartburn during pregnancy

Funds from heartburn during pregnancy
 Unpleasant sour taste in the mouth, feeling of heaviness in the stomach and a burning sensation in the throat - symptoms of heartburn known almost all future mums. It occurs, usually after a meal, delivering a pregnant woman uncomfortable, and, sometimes, and painful. Most of all, this attack shows itself in the second and third trimester of pregnancy and disappears after childbirth. What factors cause heartburn in pregnancy and how it can be dealt with - women's magazine JustLady answer all your questions.

Heartburn in pregnancy: Causes

The most important thing - do not panic,heartburn during pregnancy not a pathology and normal physiological reaction to hormonal changes. During pregnancy increases the production of progesterone, which is responsible for "peace of mind" of the uterus, preventing its unwanted contractions. Together with hormone uterine smooth muscle relaxes smooth muscle and all other organs, including the sphincter muscle - the muscle that is located between the esophagus and the stomach.

Throughput increases sphincter and into the esophagus enters the stomach of the food already processed using gastric acid. Not adapted to the acidic environment of the esophageal wall irritated and future mom begins to feel discomfort. In addition, the kid grows with each passing month, the uterus grows in size, starting even more pressure on the stomach and push the food into the esophagus, causing the same result - heartburn.

The cause of heartburn can also be a wrong diet (acidic, spicy, fatty foods), torso (with obuvanii, for example) and long lying on one side (heartburn more worried on the left side). Tormentsheartburn during pregnancy - what to doTo alleviate the condition? To get started, visit the gastroenterologist - it should make sure that your heartburn is not due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If the survey does not show violations, follow some simple rules, they will facilitate your state:

- Be careful with drugs, Any medication should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. Especially effective drugs that are commonly used to relieve stomach pains - no-spa, papaverine - will have you "bear" service, more relaxed esophageal sphincter. Not recommended for use and baking soda, it will stimulate the production of carbon dioxide, which can enhance the discomfort. Usually, the doctor prescribes antacids: smectite, Rennie, Aluminium phosphate gel - they have a neutralizing effect on gastric acid and taken once or course.

-Try not to put pressure on the stomachHe and so uncomfortably close to the enlarged uterus. Do not put things tightening waist, not stoop - better try to sit with your knees bent. After the meal, do not go and walk around thirty minutes - a vertical position reduces the risk of ejection of gastric juice into the esophagus. If, after all, decide to lie down, put a pillow under your head high.

Dining with heartburn

Review your diet. Divide the entire daily ration for 5-6 meals, dinner must be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. Include food products, antacids, which have alkaline properties: cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, eggs, lean meat and vegetable oil. Take care that you did not have constipation - they create additional pressure on the abdomen. The good work of the intestine to help salads from boiled beets with sour cream or mayonnaise, steamed prunes. Try to use less raw vegetables and fruits - bake them in the oven, make of them mashed, so they are easier to recycle stomach.

Exclude from the diet of fatty meats, pickles, spicy seasonings. As spicy additives in the first dishes and salads perfect ginger - it is useful for nausea and dizziness and, unlike other spices, does not irritate the esophagus.Heartburn during pregnancy can provoke coffee and sodas, replace berry Kiselev - Genuine "soothing" for your stomach.

Greatremedy for heartburn during pregnancy will be a transition to a separate power supply. Try not to eat at one meal carbohydrates with proteins, it will help to relieve your digestive system. The meat is combined with vegetables and eggs, cereals and pasta - with vegetables and fruits. Fermented milk products, you can (and should!) Use with any group of products.

Heartburn in pregnancy: treatment of folk remedies

It should be noted thatheartburn during pregnancy does not cause trouble kid and has no effect on his natal development. But the drugs used without a doctor's approval, can harm the baby. Therefore, the optimalredstvom from heartburn during pregnancy are herbal infusions and broths, mild on the body of a pregnant woman.

• ling (30 g), pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 2 minutes, strain and drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.
• yarrow herb (20 g), pour two cups of boiling water, let stand for 2 hours, strain and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.
• The root of sweet flag (20 g) chop, pour boiling water (1 cup), soak in a water bath for 5-7 minutes, strain and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: pregnancy, Ambassador, heartburn, stomach heaviness, medicine, drug, taste, sign, antacid