Sex during pregnancy

Sex during pregnancy
 Sexual desire during pregnancy is undergoing some changes, but it absolutely does not mean that in the field of sexual relations during this period it is necessary to put a cross. Conversely, pregnancy - is an occasion to discover the unusual sensory impressions, try new poses and even closer to the partner. In many respects, the behavior of a pregnant woman is unpredictable and depends on hormonal levels and even a variety of reasons, which then increases, then nullify her sexual desires. Moreover, fearing for the future of the child, the parents try to limit sexual contact, sometimes completely unfounded. Let us together with the site JustLady try to figure out whether it is possible during pregnancy to have sex, and what restrictions there are on this issue.

Sexual desire during pregnancy

Sexual desire during pregnancy affects many reasons, but for the most part, it is determined by the peculiarities of her sex life, behavior and activity partner, which was inherent in her pre-pregnancy. Although national signs and say that a woman pregnant boy experiences a strong sexual desire than a woman expecting a girl - it is not scientifically confirmed.

Attitude toSex During Pregnancy passes through several stages. In the first trimester of sexual desire is usually weakened, and it is not surprising. Toxicosis, increased emotional background and the appearance of some physiological discomfort forced a woman to switch to other problems. And doctors do not advise to have sex during the first month after conception. The fruit is not enough appreciated, intense uterine contractions as a result of orgasm can cause miscarriage.

Second trimester woman meets more calmly. Nausea and malaise that haunted her first time, retreated, there was a confidence and a positive attitude. The woman in this state, more than ever, I want to receive support from your loved one, and a little tummy, which is just beginning to take shape, does not prevent intimate caresses.Having sex during pregnancy During this period not only contraindicated, it should be regular, as well influence on the health of the woman, and thus the fetus. The vagina becomes more sensitive, increasing the clitoris and it helps achieve a bright, strong orgasm. No need to worry for the child - it is protected by the muscular wall, water bladder and mucous plug, and increased as a result of sex circulation in the pelvis mother gives him a rush of supplemental oxygen.

In the third semester sexual desire of both spouses on the decline for several reasons. Big belly starts to interfere with physical proximity and approaching childbirth leaves its mark on the woman. There is anxiety and worry that are not conducive to relax and tune in to interfere with intimacy. Yes, and future popes added hassle: you have to have time to buy strollers, cribs and prepare an apartment to a new family member. Besides, pairs wishingduring pregnancy sex, It is worth remembering that in the last 3-4 weeks is better to abstain from it. The hormone oxytocin is produced by a woman's body during sexual arousal stimulates uterine contractions, and this, together with the mechanical effect on the cervix can cause contractions and premature labor.

Sex during pregnancy - what can and what can not

Having sex during pregnancyProvided that a woman feels himself normally can be held in all positions. The main thing with this - to eliminate the pressure on the stomach and large physical burden on women. Growing belly, on the one hand, limits the choice of poses, but on the other - provides a chance to try something different, have not yet mastered the couple.

In late gestation preferred posture in which the load on the partner is minimal, "rider", "on the side", etc. Will be the perfect complement oral sex - they giveSex During Pregnancy even more spice. There can be only a single contra - herpes on the lip of a spouse, which unpredictably may affect the weakened body of a pregnant woman.

Regreasing likely whenhaving sex during pregnancy is not required. A woman's body produces enough estrogen to prevent vaginal dryness. If the grease you will still be required, select a lubricant based on glycerin - it is safe for your baby.
The only thing a woman would have to give at having sex during pregnancy - This from sex toys. Dildos, vibrators and vaginal balls better to postpone, as they can cause mechanical damage to the vagina and cervix.

During pregnancy can not have sex if:

• doctors determined low position of the placenta, fetal presentation;
• there is a threat of termination of pregnancy;
• have a bleeding or profuse discharge from the vagina, leaking of amniotic fluid;
• the partner revealed the presence of infectious diseases.

In addition, we recommend limiting the intimate caresses in multiple pregnancies and the absolute exclusion of sexual relations with unknown partners - in order to avoid possible contamination.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: pregnancy, sex, occupation, posture