Anoxia. Fetal hypoxia

Anoxia. Fetal hypoxia
 Oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) fruit in our time is not uncommon. Poor nutrition, poor environment, concomitant diseases during pregnancy - all this leads to various anomalies, including fetal hypoxia. This article describes how to prevent and treat this disease, sometimes accompanying prenatal period of life the little man.

Fetal hypoxia called persistent breach of condition of the body of the embryo as a result of oxygen deprivation. Oxygen starvation of the body of the fetus violates its function, resulting in a child in the future may develop abnormalities. Of course, some form of oxygen starvation do not carry the danger, however such condition is not always be ignored. In any case, the oxygen deficiency provides some risk to the fetus. Let's see how it manifests hypoxia, what are its causes and symptoms.

Hypoxia causes a lot. As with many other diseases, hypoxia divided into acute and chronic. Acute hypoxia is most often seen during childbirth and chronic - during pregnancy. The main cause of acute hypoxia - a birth injury arising out of or vice versa long fast delivery, as well as in the event of a discrepancy size of the fetus and the birth canal. For example, if a child is stuck in the umbilical cord during labor may cause oxygen starvation and related hypoxia. Chronic hypoxia is visible only to the doctor because it takes more during pregnancy. However, in some cases, a woman may itself determine the presence of fetal hypoxia. If pushing and fetal movement occur less frequently, it should alert. The cause of chronic hypoxia may be intrauterine infections, maternal illness, severe stress during gestation, diseases of the fetus, including anemia and heart defects.

Hypoxia depends on the shape of the degree of damage the body. During hypoxia mainly affected the central nervous system, heart and blood vessels. In some cases, as mentioned above, does not affect hypoxia on the fetus in the other - causes adverse effects. Some of them are reversible, and there are others - very difficult to treat. More often than not the result of hypoxia are migraines, and sometimes - even seizures. In more severe lesions of the central nervous system may be impaired coordination and speech. Consequences of hypoxia may also be violations of the general circulation, insufficient blood supply to the tissues of the body and various heart diseases. If hypoxia occurs early in pregnancy, may be a delay of embryo development. At later stages of hypoxia milder.

Prevention of hypoxia is timely treatment of diseases that can complicate pregnancy, as well as proper diet and rest during pregnancy. Should observe good personal hygiene, more fresh air in the winter to try to dress warmly to avoid hypothermia and cold, which can also trigger hypoxia. Furthermore, to avoid stress. Exercises for pregnant should not have to call overloads. If you suffer from asthma, then to conceive a child you should be treated to reduce the frequency of attacks.

A pregnant woman should not prevent overheating in the sun, wear stuffy clothes. During the period of carrying a child should eat more iron-containing foods to in the mother had more hemoglobin. Timely access to antenatal clinics in order to conduct a comprehensive survey, consisting of ultrasound, CTG and Doppler, predosteregut your unborn baby from hypoxia.

Hypoxia treatment includes two stages: the treatment of the underlying disease and the treatment of the hypoxia. Self unacceptable access to a doctor for any suspected fetal hypoxia necessary. Chronic hypoxia medicate, improves blood flow to the uterus. Blood thinners doctor prescribes "Aspirin". In addition, some pregnant prescribed vitamin E, glutamic acid and the drug "Essentiale Forte", improves the metabolism in the cell. In addition, the pregnant woman should stick to a diet that reduces blood viscosity. You need to use more citrus, tomatoes, decks blueberries, raspberries, grapes. Do not eat aronia, oil and animal fat. Also included in the diet should be less sugar and salt. If you adhere to certain rules and strictly follow the doctor's instructions, the probability of fetal hypoxia significantly reduced.

Tags: pregnancy, diet consequence, fasting, treatment, fruit, prevention, hypoxia, karditokografiya