But the desire to eat a certain product is determined by hormonal changes in the body. But other addiction during pregnancy by deficiencies in the mother of a substance necessary for the proper and harmonious development of the fetus. That surprised women themselves and others strange taste, unusual for him earlier.
Unusual eating habits of pregnant women can be expressed in immoderate absorption of ice cubes, cigarette butts or detergent. Relatives are not always adequately perceive these tastes and trying every way to prevent a woman to consume these products. But experts say that these preferences only indicate a lack of iron in the body.
Also in the list of amazing food preferences can include chalk. When a bone development of the fetus, women need calcium in large enough quantities. Vitamins and minerals are not always able to make up the shortfall. Therefore, pregnant women begin to gnaw chalk. It also attempts to dial calcium include eating canned meat for animals. But there is, besides the required mineral, and others are useful vitamins and minerals.
Experts did not explain these unusual cravings during pregnancy: charcoal, dirt, toothpaste, soap and matches. Of course, there are also playing the role of certain trace elements contained in these materials. But dangerous to the consumption of these products or not, is not specified anywhere. Yet, if there is any unusual for addiction (especially if you want dirt or soap) is best to consult with a specialist.
To fill in missing elements for the development of the fetus in pregnant women may appoint special dietary supplements, vitamins and minerals. Sometimes enough and simple antiquated methods. For example, if there is a lack of fatty acids, the expectant mother will recommend taking flaxseed oil.