If the time to notice the first signs of a miscarriage, women are able to continue the pregnancy. The most serious symptom is considered uterine bleeding of any kind, including insignificant. It may also be accompanied by spasms in the abdomen. Color bleeding can range from bright red to brown. Bleeding can be very weak and not a few days off. It may also progress from low to high, thus possible spasms.
In addition to the selection of blood, with spontaneous abortion may occur, and other symptoms: the emergence of white-pink mucus, vaginal discharge clots tissue, loss of breast tenderness, the disappearance of signs of pregnancy, back pain or lower abdomen, painful cramping, nausea, weight loss, frequent stools . When you see any of these symptoms should immediately consult a gynecologist or the hospital.
If the bleeding has in spotting pieces of tissue, similar to the particles of the embryo, it usually says that already had a miscarriage and pregnancy ended. In this case, consult a physician as necessary because when spontaneous abortion may be at risk the health or life of the pregnant woman. If the rejection of the fetus did not happen, but there is a risk of miscarriage, pregnancy can be saved.
Causes of spontaneous abortion
The most common cause of miscarriage is wrong genetic fetal development. Genetic disorder can be hereditary, and random. In this case, the woman's body self-destructs unsustainable and a defective fetus.
Other causes of spontaneous abortion: abortion, acute infectious or chronic disease in the mother, abnormal development of the uterus, hormonal disorders, poor working conditions or an unfavorable environment, poor nutrition, excessive physical or psychological stress, radiation, certain drugs and bad habits (alcohol , drugs, etc.).
Among the most common infectious disease marked influenza, and measles. Spontaneous abortion can also happen with pneumonia, tonsillitis, appendicitis, pyelonephritis and other acute inflammatory processes in the body.
By frequent causes of miscarriage is also made earlier abortion. Especially adverse effects on pregnancy is the production of induced abortion in the first pregnancy.
Regardless of the cause of abortion (spontaneous or artificial), the doctors found the following pattern: every abortion increases the risk of repeating the next pregnancy. At the same time we must not forget that after a miscarriage in the future can be born completely healthy child. To do this, listen to the advice of medical specialists and fulfill all their recommendations.