How to determine ovulation by tests

How to determine ovulation by tests
 In order to calculate the terms favorable for conception, should know exactly what day ovulation occurs and how it takes the previous period. At home, it can be done with the help of tests.
 Egg matures in a day. The average period from the beginning of menstruation to ovulation is 14 days. But different women may have different terms of oocyte maturation, it largely depends on hormonal levels.

Purchase at the pharmacy tests for ovulation. Their operating principle is almost the same as that of a pregnancy test. However, they respond to different hormones. Pregnancy test - for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), Ovulation - luteinizing hormone (LH). The amount in a woman's body for about a day before ovulation increases several times.

If you have a regular menstrual cycle is 28 days, start with the tests from the 11th day from the beginning. If its length is greater than or less, calculate the first of its average duration (from data obtained in the last six months). After subtract from this number 17, and start testing on this day.

Hold it for a few days in a row, approximately at the same time. Do not use first morning urine test, because during this period the concentration of LH is minimal, and the result will not be correct. Before you apply it, do not drink a lot of water. Refrain from urinating for 4 hours before using it.

Hold under running urine absorbent end of the test for a few seconds, or collect urine for these purposes in a jar. After put the strip on a dry surface for 3 minutes. Evaluate the results.

Compare the brightness of the two bands - the test and control. In the period before ovulation test strip will be much brighter. If it is paler than the control, then the release of luteinizing hormone was not. Repeat the test for the next few days. The most favorable time for conception will be the next two days after the receipt of a positive result.

Tags: time test, ovulation