When choosing hormonal contraceptives should be considered and the time by which the selected contraceptive. For example, during long time use intended depot (stock) preferably daily administration of the drug. Depot hormones in the body can be established by subcutaneous implantation of a special graft, using a special plaster or intrauterine device - in this case does not need to take medication every day.
If necessary, the contraceptive effect for a limited time or selected monophasic combined oral contraceptives. These funds must be taken daily and constantly break is needed only if required by the instruction.
In some cases, 7 days a patient will drink dummy pill to help you not to lose in the graph, the reception of other contraceptives need to drug discontinuation for 7 days, during which begins bleeding, similar to menstruation. But when skipping even one taking the pills for a month contraceptive effect of the drug will be minimized and will require additional contraceptive measures while continuing started taking the pills from the package. This method of protection is only suitable for binding and attentive to their women, whereas scattered ladies should choose a depot preparation.
Under these rules can not save women's health, to a minimum to reduce the risk of possible complications in the use of hormones (especially long-term), to create the conditions for the birth of wanted children while avoiding abortion as a means of birth control.