Alcohol and pregnancy are compatible or not?
Despite the fact that for most people the use of alcohol while waiting for a child is unacceptable, the impact of alcohol on pregnancy actively discussed in the society. There is even an opinion that the minimum dose of alcohol, what can be considered a glass of wine or beer, are not harmful to the fetus, especially if used occasionally, but even in this case, the need for this seems very doubtful.
Since a full guarantee that alcohol and smoking during pregnancy will not result in serious consequences, does not give any doctor, much calmer for myself to give it up completely.
What is so harmful alcohol
The effects of alcohol on the egg begins to develop between them. Therefore, during the planning of the baby is also advisable not to drink that will help reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy. Alcohol is especially dangerous in the first weeks of pregnancy, when carried tab of all internal organs and the nervous system of the baby. This applies to all first trimester. If possible at all to say about the relative safety of alcohol, it is for the third trimester, when all organs are formed and the baby is gaining weight. Although it is highly doubtful, as the brain continues to develop and evolve up to the birth, and alcohol during pregnancy may have on this process a negative impact.
It should be remembered that the effects of alcohol may not be evident and manifest through neurology immediately, but after a long time.
Myths about alcohol and childbirth
Sometimes you can hear the myths that the use of alcohol somehow affects the conception, speeding it up or, conversely, slowing down, as well as to identify pregnancy. In practice, a pregnancy test and alcohol are compatible, and if the pregnancy, then the test results will be relevant. But to prevent pregnancy, alcohol can actually. Alcoholism incompatible pregnancies and as a negative impact on the beverage is all internal female system, including reproductive and.