Female menstrual cycle usually lasts 28 days (plus or minus 2 days). It is divided into two almost equal phase for each 14 days. In the first half cycle of the body makes all the preparations for a potential pregnancy - thicker inner layer (endometrium) of the uterus, which can be implanted fertilized egg, changes certain way hormones in the ovary is the formation of the follicle (the place where the egg will develop, which upon reaching a certain the size of its leaves). Release of an egg from the follicle is the time of ovulation. Next is a mature egg is tightened movement of the villi in the fallopian tube, fringed by the edge. And, drawn by the movement of internal villi, it must be somewhere in the middle of the way to the uterus to meet sperm that are embedded into it, thereby triggering the fusion of genetic material and cell division, forming a new life. Such motion along the tube takes 5-7 days.
Thus, the determination of ovulation is sufficient to count the 14 days from the first day of the last menstruation, if you a 28-day cycle. However, this is a very rough estimate. There are several signs that will help you to more accurately set the day of ovulation. First and foremost - a change in the nature of vaginal discharge. By the day of ovulation, they become transparent and malleable, as it is this mucus creates an optimal environment for sperm and save it as a quick movement. Also, many women these days say increased libido (sexual desire) to the opposite sex.
If the day of ovulation is necessary to determine with absolute probability, you can resort to the use of simple tests, are sold in pharmacies and affordable. Externally, they are similar to pregnancy tests and are also used: it is necessary to lower the test strip container with urine and after a certain time to get an answer, there are ovulating or not (for more precise information you need to carefully read the package insert). The test measures the level of luteinizing hormone, which the body increases only once per cycle - for 24-36 hours before ovulation, when it starts to get fertile time.