Signs of ovulation is very subjective, but on closer observation of a woman will definitely notice the changes in her body during this period. Comparing them with other studies, it is possible to learn the ropes in the definition of the period.
During the period of ovulation in some women, there is an increased sex drive. The researchers also noted improvement of their sexual attractiveness.
It is also possible and the emergence of pulling pain in the abdomen, and sometimes a little blood in the allocation. Also within this interval, vaginal mucus change. It becomes greater, increasing its viscosity and viscosity. It is also easy to notice for any woman.
Help in determining ovulation and general surveillance of the menstruation cycle. If it is regular, without any changes, then ovulation occurs each time. Otherwise, it shows the irregularities of the process or its absence. However, even these features are not 100% guarantee the presence or absence of ovulation.
If you experience premenstrual syndrome in women, it is a clear sign of the presence of ovulatory cycles. Especially true for him breast engorgement, and in the second phase of the cycle a small weight gain.
The most famous and oldest method of determining ovulation is the basal temperature. This method is quite common, it is easy enough to stay at home, as well as highly informative. Schedule of these measurements should be evaluated for three cycles. The main thing - to measure the temperature every day at a certain time in the morning after waking up.
Temperature measurement is carried out for 5-10 minutes, then the result is marked on the chart. During ovulation, temperature is lowered to about 0 and 5 degrees. Through daily research and the thermometer, this method is the most accurate of all the above.
A very simple method of determining ovulation, - a test on it, which works on the same principle as a test to determine pregnancy. One package contains five single-slips, which should be used within five days. The day on which the second band on the test was the most bright, can be called the day of ovulation.