How to cure acute bronchitis

How to cure acute bronchitis
 Bronchitis - an inflammatory disease of the bronchi, characterized by the release of large amounts of phlegm. Trigger the development of the disease can be viruses and bacteria, as well as external adverse factors. To prevent the development of complications and the transition of the acute form of bronchitis chronic, you need early treatment.
 Most often, acute bronchitis starts with a mild fever, slight cough, unpleasant sensation behind the breastbone. Within a few days the patient's condition is deteriorating: the temperature rises to febrile digits, appears painful shortness of breath. A week later, phlegm starts to move away, but not necessarily recovery occurs by itself.

At the first signs of illness, call on the doctor's house. Accurate diagnosis can only be a specialist. In addition, it must exclude more serious diseases.

If bronchitis is bacterial in origin, without antibiotics will not do. Even if you simplify your condition inhalation, expectorant drugs and antipyretic tablets fully cope with the disease still does not work. Bronchitis are the most effective antibacterial agents on the basis of azithromycin and ampicillin.

Take medicines phlegm. These include bromhexine, and means on the basis of acetylcysteine ​​and ambroxol. To improve the efficiency of these agents warm drink more liquid. This can be tea, herbal broth, milk, juice, mineral water, juice and other beverages.

From folk remedies to treat bronchitis can be prepared as follows: Pour a tablespoon of sage glass of milk, boil the mixture for 10 minutes. Broth strain and drink hot before going to bed. Repeat this procedure for several days.

Spend inhalation. Very well helps the following composition: a tablespoon of baking soda pour a glass of boiling water and add a little honey. Thoroughly mix the liquid and a little cool it. Breathe vapor mouth, bending over capacity with a solution. Carry out the procedure three times a day for 10-15 minutes.

To avoid complications do not go out into the street. Cold air can cause coughing and impair your health.

No matter how well you yourself are feeling at the end of treatment, hand over a blood test again and see a doctor. Only after consultation you can be sure that the disease has receded.

Tags: bronchitis treatment