Lack of iron in the body

Lack of iron in the body
 Fatigue, drowsiness, headache and insomnia - these and many other unpleasant sensations can be a sign of a lack of iron in the body. Deficiency of this element is shown not only the symptoms but also the individual diseases.

Most of the symptoms of iron deficiency is associated with hypoxia (oxygen deprivation), as it promotes the production of red blood cells iron and hemoglobin synthesis, which attaches itself to oxygen and transports it to the fabric. In addition, iron is involved in the formation of a number of enzymes that perform redox function.

Causes of iron deficiency varied. They are related to either insufficient intake of iron, or in violation of its assimilation, or with blood loss. The main concern malnutrition, abuse of tea and coffee, increased intake of calcium, vitamin C and B12, bleeding, gastritis with low acidity, worm infestation, disruption of thyroid tumor, radiation, infection, rheumatism, diseases of the liver, spleen, pregnancy donation.

Iron deficiency causes:

• Diseases of the blood - anemia, hemochromatosis;
• Reduced immunity - frequent colds and inflammatory diseases;
• Violation of the central nervous system - headaches, dizziness, insomnia, loss of memory and attention, flickering flies in front of the eyes;
• Cardiovascular disease;
• Gastrointestinal disease - chronic gastro, inflammation of the stomach lining;
• Dry skin and hair, and acne;
• Inflammation of the mouth and nose;
• Cracks in the corners of the mouth.

To restore the level of iron in the body is necessary to remove the cause of the deficit. Next on the menu include products with its contents. This dried prunes, beans, beef liver, peas, buckwheat, apples, apricots, beets, parsley, pumpkin, almonds, hazelnuts. With increased iron requirements (during pregnancy, anemia, blood loss) is strictly metered rate drink vitamin-mineral complex combination drug or other iron comprising vitamin C and B12, which are necessary to assimilate it.

Tags: body, iron, lack of symptom, the cause of the deficit