How to restore hearing after otitis

How to restore hearing after otitis
 In the case of chronic otitis ear can be reduced gradually, and acute purulent otitis media may trigger the development of deafness in a few days or hours. Fortunately, traditional medicines help to restore hearing loss.
 To improve hearing hold special treatments. Gauze turunda need to do, then soak it emulsion (this can be mush of frayed cloves of garlic and a couple of drops of camphor oil), slightly wring out and put into the ear. The tampon must be in the ear of the child to 12 hours, and it is put on an adult of 36 hours. Procedure is done in a day, the course consists of 12 procedures.

In progressive deafness but daily use with a piece of lemon peel.

Help improve hearing the following recipe. Grind in a coffee grinder bay leaf, take a pinch of the powder, mix it with a tablespoon of 9% solution of vinegar and half a glass of vodka. Steep powder for 14 days. Strain the solution and bury it in the ears of a drop three times a day the first week and three drops up to the moment when hearing is restored.

Treatment of almond oil also helps to restore lost hearing. The treatment regimen is as follows: pour in a day by a few drops at a time in each ear.

To prepare an effective tool to restore hearing, it is necessary to make two of. One of them will be on propolis, the other - on the sage. For the preparation of 10% tincture of propolis have to take 10 grams of propolis, put it in the freezer, then chop and pour half cup of rubbing alcohol. Bottle of tincture daily need to shake, and 10 days later filtered.

To 10 ml of the ready propolis tincture must add 20 ml sage oil, after which the solution was thoroughly stir. Turundochku soaking in a solution, you must enter it in the ear and leave for a day. The procedure to be performed until the hearing is restored.

There is another recipe that promotes the return of hearing after otitis media. Take the container (about 100 ml), pour it to half juniper fruit and fill with water up to the top. Put the solution in a dark place for 21 days, do not forget to shake it from time to time. Bury warm infusion (3 drops) in each ear at bedtime.

Vitamin mixture, which includes a kilo of lemons with the peel, passed through a meat grinder, combined with 250 g of honey, will help strengthen the immune system and restore hearing.

Tags: Ambassador, otitis media, hearing, restoration