How to raise the pressure of folk remedies

How to raise the pressure of folk remedies
 Low blood pressure affects the well-being of not less than high. Headache, fatigue, drowsiness - these are just some signs of hypotension. In severe cases, you can even lose consciousness. To avoid this, it is crucial to raise the pressure.
 Low blood pressure can be a sign of vascular disease or the individual organism. In the first case it is uncomfortable, and the second is often asymptomatic. But watch your pressure is necessary and that, and another. It will not hurt and medical consultation, which will be determined by whether you need medical attention.

Hypotension can occur in other circumstances. For example, pregnant women in the first trimester often suffer from its symptoms. Poisoning, stomach ulcer and even banal fatigue can reduce the pressure to the critical numbers. It is this category of people need help in the first place. And it must be directed not only to fight the cause of sickness, but also on the normalization of pressure. Folk remedies will be here could not be more helpful.

The easiest way to raise the pressure - it's a cup of coffee or strong green tea. Black is also suitable, but the caffeine contained therein is much less, and therefore the result will be less noticeable. Alcoholic beverages also increase the pressure, but to use them during pregnancy and in the gastro-intestinal diseases is prohibited. Prefer other safe and effective.

Cheer and slightly increase the pressure douche. In addition, the smallest temperature differences positively affect the state of the vessels. Exercise will also help to cope with hypotension, and do not necessarily pace yourself workouts in the gym. Suffice it to do a few sit-ups or hiking.

Increase the pressure to help tincture of ginseng, lemongrass and Eleutherococcus. Dilute 25 drops in 50 ml of water and drink in one gulp. The pressure will return to normal within 10-15 minutes.

Half a teaspoon of ginger powder, mix in a glass of tea. Drink this useful drink hot. It is advisable to use this tool for a week. It helps to normalize blood pressure and eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of hypotension.

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