How to cure chronic nasal congestion

How to cure chronic nasal congestion
 Do you have difficulty breathing, nose clogged and not breathable, disturb abundant or scanty allocation - is likely to have chronic nasal congestion. Get rid of bad state, interfering live fully in several ways.
 Cause chronic problems with nasal breathing may be physiological features of the structure of the nasal septum (due to injury, for example), or insufficiently treated diseases of the nasopharynx. In any case, the medical examination to determine the cause of chronic nasal help determine the origins of the problem and determine the right direction of treatment. Changes in the nasal septum are treated only by surgery. All other states can try to fix yourself.

The basic method - salt wash. You can take the finished products with a solution of sea water and with a convenient applicator, following instructions to clean the sinuses and restore patency. It will take several treatments, depending on the stage of running processes. The second option - to prepare it yourself. Stir a teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of warm boiled water and the resulting solution drip into the nose. You can enter it drop by drop and draw it out as long as you do not feel the moisture in the mouth. If this works out, type solution in the palm and in turn draws water is one nostril, then the other. Better to leak through the throat than vysmarkivat. Of medical procedures that can offer medical institutions, the most effective suctioning mucus special apparatus ("cuckoo"). The disadvantage is the appearance of severe pain in the sinuses that lasts for some time after the procedure. Physiotherapy treatment will also help remove the swelling and inflammation - UHF solljuks, laser, etc..d.

Get rid of a stuffy nose help inhalation. In the evening, before going to sleep, cook a pot of boiling water, which add pine extract or eucalyptus oil. Breathe a few minutes, then blew his nose well and drip vasoconstrictive drops - the night is to go quietly. Practice inhalation during the week, gradually abandoning the drugs.

With warming and warm compresses should be handled carefully - the presence of purulent process in the sinuses, and fever are contraindications to direct heat.

Tags: nose, nasal treatment