Compresses for tired eyes

Compresses for tired eyes
 Modern pace of life makes our eyes feel heavy loads. Tired of being forced monitors computers and telephones, riding and driving on busy highways, long working hours and stress. To preserve the health of the eyes to help ordinary packs and proper nutrition.

The phrase "I am - this is what I eat" is appropriate and in a conversation about the eyes. If eating more apricots, rich in lutein and zeaksaltinom, can relieve eye fatigue syndrome. A carrot juice and fresh carrots - sources of vitamin A, protects the retina from UV rays.

If your weary eyes need quick help, you should pay attention to the advice of professional ophthalmologists. And they recommend eye drops and compresses.

Drops for tired eyes, which are called "artificial tears", moisturize mucosa. That is, protect against the harmful effects of the environment.

Compresses, in turn, relieve tension, redness. The most famous - cotton swabs soaked in a strong tea brewing. Tea compresses to the eye should be made of cold welding and keep the eyelids for at least 10 minutes.

Poultice of cabbage, chopped into small pieces, will get rid of edema. Suitable for this purpose as sauerkraut. It should be ground to a state of pulp and apply to eyelids to 4 times per day.

Broth meadow of cornflowers - a good tool in the fight for a healthy glow eyes. To make it necessary to take 40 grams of flowers and 1 liter of boiling water. The mixture was infused for 10 minutes, strain through cheesecloth and allowed to cool.

Tired eyes cure pharmacy daisy. Flowers (3 tablespoons) put in an enamel bowl, pour a glass (200 g) of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes in a water bath. The prepared solution can be stored in the refrigerator for three days.

To "harden" the eye, extend the period of performance, you can do 1-2 times a week contrasting compresses. For them need 2 capacity - with hot and cold water.

Alternately apply a gauze pads to centuries of different temperatures (each time for 10 seconds). Repeat three times.

After the procedure, some time is needed to hold your eyes closed, so they rested. And the skin around them, smear cream, driving his gentle touch fingertips.

This procedure strengthens the blood vessels that are in the eyes. That is, protects them from inflammation and edema, saves eyesight.

By the way, the water can be replaced with the same broth chamomile or cornflower. Thus, we will do two things at once - and to treat, and conduct preventive measures.

If you do not have at hand or decoctions of tea, wash with cold water. As you know, it reduces fatigue and gives a feeling of cheerfulness.

Tags: eye, cabbage, tea, compress, drop, welding