Cause inflammation of appendicitis

Cause inflammation of appendicitis
Appendix cecum - appendix consists of a set of lymph nodes. They respond quickly enough to the pathogenic microflora, which is present even in the body of a healthy person. Under certain circumstances, it can actively multiply and cause severe inflammation, or appendicitis, acute form which requires only surgical treatment.
Appendicitis can occur at any age and for different reasons. In most cases, inflammation of the appendix is a mixed infection: E. coli, staphylococci, streptococci, diplococci and microorganisms that live only in the absence of air, the so-called anaerobes. The main route of penetration is the intestine, where the same microbes are present in otherwise healthy people.

Under certain circumstances, such as a violation of motility and emptying process, the inflection of the appendix, the stagnation in the cecum stool (constipation), inflammation of the mucosa of the cecum, appendix when malnutrition occurs excessive multiplication of pathogens. In a large number, it quickly causes an inflammatory process.

Often preceded by inflammation of appendicitis occlusion of the lumen of the appendix fecal stones, rare foreign body (grape seeds, fish, seeds husk) and worms. Impaired emptying of the appendix in this case leads to the accumulation of mucus in it, which in addition to what is causing pressure and stretching of the appendix is also an excellent breeding ground for germs.

Appendicitis could develop due to malnutrition, such as excessive consumption of protein foods of animal origin: meat, fish. Predominance in the diet of these foods at times increases the risk of inflammation of the appendix. When used as plant food similar cases are much less common.

The reason may be appendicitis and chronic colitis, cholecystitis, enteritis, Spike peritoneum. They are capable of causing inflection appendix. Impaired blood flow so it also leads to inflammation.

Rare cause of appendicitis are infectious nature of the disease: typhoid fever, tuberculosis, parasitosis, especially amebiasis and enterobiosis.

Tags:appendicitis, inflammation, cause process