How to treat dermatitis on the hands

How to treat dermatitis on the hands
 Dermatitis on the hands is a disease which manifests itself in the form of irritation of the skin. This occurs under the influence of any factor (household chemicals, cold, cosmetics, dust, etc.).
 First of all, it is necessary to remove the cause of the disease. After that, replace cosmetics skincare hands when exposed to household cleaning products to use rubber gloves, etc. Measures are taken immediately, as the lack of therapeutic treatment in the first stage entails complications of skin disease.

At the first sign of rash is necessary to apply hydrocortisone ointment, which targets the skin. With the help of the disease is easier, there are no complications.

In no case can not wash their hands often using soap, as the already damaged skin begins to crack and become inflamed. Soap thinner protective layer, resulting in the skin requires intensive hydration and nutrition.

To eliminate dryness expedient to apply special cream that inhibit release of moisture from the skin surface. After taking a shower moisturizer is applied to damp skin, without toweling. It is not recommended to choose the means aromatic additives, since they can cause an allergic reaction to the background dermatitis.

But it should be noted that when a scab on the skin of the hands is not necessary to humidify with creams and gels, as cosmetic agents may cause further symptoms (itchy blisters).

The appearance of dermatitis due to low temperature (cold) must be before going out to apply protective measures and avoid prolonged hypothermia upper extremities. To relieve irritation and restore damaged cells can be used dexpanthenol.

Traditional recipes against dermatitis on their hands:

- Homemade ointment from oak bark (2 teaspoons), poplar buds (1 teaspoon) and butter (7 teaspoons);

- Washing sores broth mixture of horsetail, oak bark, Lungwort and rose garden;

- Ingestion of broth from St. John's wort (5 teaspoons), burdock root (2 teaspoons), walnut leaves (3 teaspoons).

Tags: hand dermatitis, irritation, treatment, cover