Salon manicure at home

Salon manicure at home
 Manicure, professionally executed in the cabin, of course, pleases the eye with its perfection. But not for long. Just a few days varnish come down, and you will have to repeat the procedure, which requires a lot of time and is expensive. So maybe you should learn how to do a manicure at home so that the result turned out better than the salon. Is it difficult? Masters say that if there is some skill and knowledge as possible.
 If you want to accurately process your nails, you need to deal with them when they are completely dry. That is not after showering, bathing or wet cleaning of the apartment. Before the procedure, just wash your hands and wipe them dry.

The first step to perfect nails - giving them a beautiful shape. What it will be - it depends on your desire and taste, but in any case, the edge of the nail, you need to file correctly. To do this, choose a glass nail file and in any case not the metal. It can be a diamond, boxwood or sapphire-coated, or have a simple spraying on cardboard. Metal, usually razlohmachivaet nail plate and the nail begins to exfoliate.

One of the most important operations, the quality of which depends on type of manicure - cuticle preparation. Before acting upon it in two ways. In the first case the cuticle using a special tool, simply pushed away in the second - was removed nail scissors or clippers. Now you can apply a new, more convenient way: removing cuticles with a special gel. Grease them cuticle, wait three or four minutes, and then wipe it with the skin peeled from the surface of the nail. The gel contains vitamins and minerals that nourish the skin around the nails. By the way, instead of special creams, oils and gels, some manicure advised to moisturize and nourish the cuticle balm or simply hygienic lipstick.

If you decide to remove and trim cuticles, try to use or wooden or silicone rod, which do not injure any nail plate or nail hole.

The next stage of the "Salon" Manicure - Nail polish. If you have to do a special machine with nozzles polish. But nail file and any other instruments better not to do so as not to injure and not thin the nail. From irregularities can be eliminated, causing the foundation - a transparent varnish.

Before painting pogrom bottle in his hand, shake it to achieve uniform consistency. Dip the brush into the paint. Pulling it, wipe the extra money on the edge of the bottle, wait for the drop of varnish will gather at the edge of the brush and start painting with the little finger. To lay down a layer of lacquer evenly, keep the brush as follows: departing from the edge of the hole a few millimeters, set the brush point and pressing, slide it to the edge of the hole, and then lead a line down the middle.

The second swab start at the hole and spend the nail on the one hand, and the third - on the other. When this layer of varnish dries, proceed to the next application. To manicure lingered longer on your nails, use a transparent fixative. It not only protects nails from external influences, but also enhance the brightness and brilliance of the main varnish.

You should be aware that the quality manicure depends on the correct drying varnish. This should be done as long as possible (a minimum of half an hour after the completion of the procedure).
When the paint is completely dry, clean the skin around the nail with a cotton swab with acetone if you accidentally touched her too during the painting process.

If all you do is going to produce carefully and slowly, it soon will be proud of what you can do at home professional salon manicure.

Tags: house, home, condition, manicures