How to treat your nails

How to treat your nails
 Flawless look nail does not require much time. Regular maintenance will help you to constantly keep them beautiful and healthy. Treated nails yourself quite simple, and at the same time you can be insured against any infections and injuries that are not excluded in nail salons.
 Start nail treatment with steamed bath. Pour into a container of hot water, add the little salt and olive oil. Hold your hands in the bath for 5-7 minutes. Wipe and start treatment.

Apply a cuticle tool to remove it. Move the cuticles with a wooden stick, if necessary - cut forceps superfluous. Then cut off the burrs and roughness. Try as little as possible to cut off the skin around the nail. If you do it gently, gradually it will cease to grow.

After removal of excess use the scrub for hands. It you can also make your own. Take a tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of ground coffee. Stir this mixture and massage your hands. Such a tool is much more effective finished cosmetic scrubs: your skin and nails, without exaggeration, be transformed. Rinse hands thoroughly.

When completely dry you can polish the nail plate and give the desired shape nails with nail file. Pay special attention to nail filing, because so many are doing it wrong, hurting them. The main rule is to handle nails nail file in one direction rather than in two.

Now you can put your hands nourishing cream and rub into the nail plate special oil.

Make it a rule several times a day to care for the cuticle and roller. You only need a few "gestures of beauty", which will not take more than 1-2 minutes a day. Purchase a soft nail file for natural nails or grinding. Walk it dry roller, polishing the skin around the nail. This advice is especially important in winter, when the skin and nails are subject to dryness and flaking. Then rub in cuticle and nail emollient oil or natural solid (perfect shea or cocoa). If you do it in the car or office, it is advisable to buy a special moisturizing cuticle pencil. After these procedures, your nails will always remain beautiful, and process them will have much less.

Tags: house, manicure, nail care, plate