How to find out if you're a man

How to find out if you're a man
 Men are very restrained in expression of feelings. But certain actions, words and nonverbal gestures can give them to the head. And then there can be no doubt, and to live with absolute certainty that a man needs you.  
 Keep track of actions. A man in love will strive hard, as often as possible to be with the woman I love and enjoy socializing with her. But if your relationship is not very close, and the man shy, that at first he could be kept in the manifestation of attention. Supposedly random encounters can also say that the guy is trying to meet with you. And if the dialogue he says "we" instead of "you" and "I", it means that he is mentally you together. Willingness of men to make adjustments in their plans only to adjust to you, too, "speaks" louder than words. How folded his relationship with your friends, also a good indicator. If he shows genuine interest to them, with respect for their opinion and seeks to understand what they like, then it is likely dictated by feelings to you.

Penetrates into words. Of course, to hear from the man's frank confession of his feelings - this is a special treat, but count on him in the beginning of the relationship is not worth it. Usually, a man may be sparing of words, and to say that he loves you, he will not soon be resolved, because it is to admit their own addiction. But on the tender feelings indicates the tone of voice of men, the way he pronounces your name and whether he uses in referring to you diminutive nicknames. Also a good sign is the openness of Man and his willingness to talk about themselves all the details, not hiding flaws and exaggerating the merits.

Be alert to signals of the body. Advanced incredibly pupils - the best indicator that if they wanted no man will be able to hide, and the gleam in his eyes only to prove the already obvious. In addition, you should pay attention to whether the man repeats your gestures and body movements. If "yes", then he subconsciously copy you and thus create an atmosphere of trust and openness. Also of genuine interest to you will witness his gentle and unobtrusive touch.

If the above characteristic of the man, the doubt that he needs you, does not make sense.

Tags: man, attitude, feeling, interest