How to sew a Sash

How to sew a Sash
 Sash is a long, wide belt, which are wrapped one or even several times around the waist and tied a knot. This should remain fairly long dangling ends. Sash can be a part of carnival costume and fashion accessory suit in folk style. Sew his best of the soft tissue.  
 If you have a sufficiently long strip of fabric with smooth edges, you do not need a pattern. But you can get and so that the sash will have to sew several pieces. In this case, it is best to cut out on paper. On a sheet of graph paper, draw a rectangle with the longer side equal to the length of the future belt, and the short - 2 times greater than its width. Short sections of bisected and spend an average line parallel to the longest dimension. For medium-sized sash can be long enough in two waist circumference.

Carve out a strip of fabric the desired size. Leave on all sides allowances 0, 3-0, 5 cm. If the fabric is strongly crumbles, you can process them overlock or zigzag. Fold the strip in half face inside, combining long sections. Silk or satin sash necessarily baste or chipped tailor's pins. Belt made of cotton or wool can not baste, but you need to make sure that the line went smoothly and cuts all the time the same. If you want to decorate belt embroidery, applique and beads, to make it better before you have it sostrochite.

Stitch sash on the short and long side. One edge of the leave open. Turn out your creation and see what happened. If all you are satisfied, razutyuzhte allowances from the wrong side. Short seam allowances open zautyuzhte on the wrong side. Again, remove the sash and seal the hole hidden seam.

If a large piece of fabric you do not have, sew together several flaps. Bend the perimeter of each flap allowance 0 to 3 cm. Fold pieces thus prepared pattern butt on each other. Cleave them tailor's pins, and then sostrochite. Do not worry if the pieces have different colors or different textures. This can be beat, making sash in the art of patchwork. You can make the middle of the same color, and the ends - another. It is not forbidden to use the fringe and brushes of all sorts and kinds. Carnival sash can be decorated with bells or bells even if the image of the character allows it.

If you require urgent carnival costume and did not have time for sewing, look for another way out. As the sash is quite possible to use a long thin scarf and even a large shawl. Fold it several times to the angle turned inside. Along fold lines can grab it right color thread.

Tags: hand, pattern, manufacturing, sewing, Sash