To find out the reasons for the lack of weight, you first need to see a doctor and get tested. If health is OK, then you need to strengthen nutrition. But do not forget that the dramatic weight gain is very dangerous to health, so you should gain 2-3 pounds per month. To control this process - buy scales.
Distribute your diet for 5 meals a day, without reducing portions. Accustom your body to the porridge in the morning, but that does not mean that it is now the power is monotonous and tasteless. Porridge in fact can be semolina in milk and cheese or oatmeal with raisins and fruit, then you can unleash the imagination. No matter what you ate for breakfast - it should contain more carbohydrates. During the luncheon, allow yourself to eat a sweet muffin or a piece of cake.
Lunch should be wholesome, nutritious and contain many proteins. It can include meat or fish with vegetables with some garnish. After two hours in the afternoon should indulge in cheese or yogurt. For dinner, you should not eat junk food, that is, it must be lighter than lunch. Perfect stew of vegetables or baked beef with potatoes. Neither one meal can do without a piece of bread. Go to extremes not worth the constant consumption of fatty foods have a negative impact on health.
Do not forget to eat raw vegetables and fruits, bananas are enough high-calorie. Learn how to prepare cocktails from milk, fruit and cream, as they are not only nutritious, but also useful.
Smoking brings only harm, so if you still smoke - try to get rid of this addiction. Give up coffee or drink it no more than twice a week, spend more time outdoors. A walk after dinner helps to better absorption of food and good sleep.
If you set yourself up for a positive result and to eat every day, the weight will gradually back to normal and, therefore, disappear complexes.