How to restore the shape of the breast

How to restore the shape of the breast
 The female breast is quite vulnerable part of the body, it is subject to change due to age, birth weight and vibrations. Restore the lost breast shape is difficult, but not impossible.
 Woman's breast in his life undergoes a lot of changes. Thin skin on it does not always have time to stretch or shrink, which leads to deterioration of appearance. But do not despair, because the modern techniques and ancient ways of dealing with this disease have helped not one dozen women.

Use creams. Without an improvement in skin condition you can not do, so please be patient and proceed to trial creams available on the market. The fact that you need to find it for themselves, sometimes even the most attractive advertising on the packaging does not protect against the failure of funds. Carefully read the composition, it is desirable that there were extracts from jojoba or any other binding elements. Remember that promise come true breast enlargement is unlikely, but the chest tighten and strengthen its good cream is quite capable. Use it twice a day, putting on clean skin. Liberally lubricate not only the breast, but also up to the neck area - it is there are muscles that create a "natural bra".

Exercise. To chest tightened and maintained in a natural way, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles around it. You can go to the pool, as swimming actively strengthens the muscles of the chest, or engage in your own home.

Squeeze. From the beginning, you can do just rises from the sofa, over time, will move to the floor and rest on his knees, and then - the full version of the stop lying.

Pick up a dumbbell weighing one - two kilograms, straighten your arms in front of him and plant in their hand. Lie on the floor and do the same exercise.

Connect the palms in front of chest, with the force crush them. Keep a couple of minutes, then rest a minute and repeat.

If the situation has not improved in six months, you will have to take serious measures. Consult a plastic surgeon, he will tell you what you can do in your case, what are the cons of surgery and how much it will cost you.

Tags: shape, chest