Beautiful woman: how to care for a

Beautiful woman: how to care for a
 Beauty - a relative term. But there are certain criteria that clearly speak of it in relation to the appearance of women. In order to stay beautiful, there are some rules care.
 Even innate beauty requires careful attitude. To maintain the attractiveness of women need to perform several procedures that retain their beauty at the proper level.

It is open to others constantly. His skin is quite thin, but it is adversely affected by various factors. The main task of the women - to protect the delicate skin to maintain its ability to regenerate cells and to stay young. To do this daily ritual must be three treatments: cleansing of cosmetics and dirt, toning lotions and moisturizing creams and serums. All funds must be chosen depending on skin type and perform their tasks (to nourish, moisturize, tighten, or eliminate acne to dry).

Their condition and appearance will tell about your health and attitude. Shiny, strong and beautiful hair - the key to your appeal. Updated monthly haircut and hair color (if you paint them), twice a week, apply a hydrating mask, try to use less hairdryer and hot tongs.

Manicure once in a week or two, make sure that the nail polish is not chipped. Bright paints require special attention, while the transparent base that protects nails from the effects of negative factors, gives them a healthy glow, but do not notice when cleaved. Moisturize your hands several times a day, it is desirable to add a few drops of cream oil (jojoba, apricot kernel, ylang-ylang and others).

Caring for the feet and toenails - an important part of women's procedures. Soft pink heels and beautiful nails - the key to your appeal, not only in the summer, when the shoe is open, but in winter, when there is a possibility of visiting saunas and swimming pools.

Keep yourself in good shape - three times a week Exercise (suit even the most ordinary jogging in a nearby park). Care for the skin - use moisturizing lotions, less take hot baths and do not expose the body to direct sunlight.

Carrying out these simple procedures constantly and not forgetting to take care of yourself, you have every right to be called a beautiful woman, because grooming is the main criterion of beauty.

Tags: woman care