Fashion Nails 2011: a course on color!

Fashion Nails 2011: a course on color!
 Psychologists have proved: the state of the hands and nails has a great influence on the formation of the first impressions of a person. We appreciate, value us! Manicure - one of the easiest ways to lighten the mood and feel well-groomed. A trendy cover marigold categorically proves that this woman has taste! Women's magazine JustLady tell what shape and color adopts trendy manicure.

Fashion Nails 2011: The lunar eclipse

Lunar or reverse jacket - one of the main trends in fashion manicure 2011. This method of applying the varnish came to us from the 20s of XX century, when the natural beauty emphasized white crescent at the base of the nail, leaving them not made up. Therefore, the classic moon manicure - red or burgundy with white base. Burlesque queen Dita Von Teese, famous trendsetter and a lover of retro, is reversed jacket with a luxurious gold rim.

And we are doingmoon manicure fashionable in 2011 year, can choose any combination of colors, keeping the main rule - the contrast. Typically, lighter shade should be taken for "crescent" and darker paint the rest of the nail. Combination can be very bold - black and white, purple and yellow, turquoise and pink, beige and clay. Ranges and size of the "crescent" - from a subtle, barely noticeable, to occupying a good half of the nail.

To "crescent" was perfectly smooth, use stencils circles: with their help you achieve the ideal bend.

Fashion Nails 2011: a course on color!

Fashion Nails 2011: The French in a new way

To part with old friends is always sad, but inexorable stylists - pink and white jacket, for many years served as the "gold standard" style, lost all his class. Today, appearing with such nails at fashionable parties, do not you collect delighted and puzzled looks. French manicure in the original color scheme out of fashion, but that does not mean that the trick to paint the main part of the nail and regrown edge in different colors, too, goes on a holiday. Not at all: French is dead, long live the jacket! BFashion Nails 2011 triumphant new progressive variations favorite manicure.

Actual jacket 2011 developed in two directions, playing either color or texture finish. In the first case we get a vivid and unexpected combinations of saturated colors, the second - refined experiment in one color, where the main part of the nail is covered with matte varnish and regrown tip - glossy. By the way, matte nail polish - a must-haveFashion Nails 2011. To create this effect, use a special demanded matting agents polish.

Fashion Nails 2011: a course on color!

Fashion Nails 2011: a course on color!

Fashion Nails 2011: a course on color!

Fashion Nails 2011: a course on color!

Fashion Nails 2011: new color nail polish

What colors palette of trendy new nail polish to pay attention? In 2011, the fashion will varnishes without nacre dense saturated colors. At the forefront - already known to us clay, as well as khaki, black and purple, sage, dark blue, chocolate, ink color. Still relevant multicolored manicure, with its selection of colors depends on the preferences of the bearer: the same trend will separate tone for each nail, and gradient coating (paints of different shades of the same color, each on his finger).

Among the varnish with the effect of metallization, notably the gold - it helps to create a whole image in the Baroque style and combines perfectly with fashionable clothes from fine fabrics (velvet, brocade, taffeta), popular in this season.

Fashion Nails 2011: a course on color!

Also note varnishes midtone (blue, green refluent red with violet hue and so on.) - They are widely used in the trendymanicure 2011.

Fashion Nails 2011: a course on color!

Fashion Nails 2011: how to avoid common mistakes?

1. Always make sure the shape of the nails, not allowing it to be too square or too spicy. Sharp nails look uncomfortable and carnival, and the square, especially long, coarsen hands. Ideally, the shape of the nail should be as close as possible to the shape of the upper edge of the phalanx.Fashion Nails 2011 requires a rather short oval or almond-shaped nails.

2. Do not make lazy that after sawing off the nails on the right and left arm are equal in length. Measure their ruler - it is not manyachestvo and affordable way to quickly find out if everything is OK. Never (ie, never!) Do not leave longer than the other nails, if one broke. How would a pity however, the nails in this case it is necessary to lead to a "common denominator".

3. Do not shake the bottle of paint - just ride it between the palms. Varnish mixed and warmed up, not enriched air bubbles that can ruin the coating.

4. Before coating always degrease nails with a small amount of nail polish remover, take a cotton pad. This will prevent the hole from the remnants of cream and soap, make nail go smoother and more reliable.

5. Type yellowed nails can be corrected by using lemon or lavender oil, as well as .... whitening toothpaste. Apply them to drop on your nails and polish.

6. Do not file nails after a shower and a nail file always move in the same direction - so nails will not exfoliate.

7. If you just can not get rid of the bad habit of biting his nails, trust the professionals, the Council in this case to do a salon manicure with every 5-7 days for 12 weeks, not missing a single visit. Firstly, five days you do not have time to a lot of "eat", and if they have time, will inevitably result in the hands of a specialist in order. Second, for most women, nails, nice-looking for a long time, become the most powerful motivator.

Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: color, manicure, nail, photos, rate, varnish