Fashion for pregnant women: star trends

 Angelina, Katie, Mariska, Gwen, Christina, Heidi, Gwyneth, Milla, Britney - never before pregnancy was not in such a fashion! Needless to say, in recent years many star family made a contribution to the improvement of the demographic situation. Bebibum sweeping the planet. Look good during pregnancy want everything - celebrities and mere mortals, but if you - VIP, and your shadow is followed by paparazzi, look stunning in these nine months is especially important!

If before the creation of clothes for pregnant women engaged in some brands, such as, Liz Lange and Motherhood Maternity, now in this business is involved more and more designers. Popular fashion house, in particular, Juicy Couture, Chaiken and Diane Von Furstenburg, has released a collection of clothes for expectant mothers. Now came the turn of youth brands - Jeans for pregnant women produce 7 For All Mankind and Citizens of Humanity.

The main fashion icon for pregnant women can rightfully be calledGwyneth Paltrow - His trademark
style (understated elegance, the perfect mix of designer items with old jeans and worn sneakers) she kept almost unchanged for two of their pregnancies.

Oppose it possibleBritney SpearsWhich began to frighten fans their appearance even during the second pregnancy. However, in the first pregnancy Britney also hardly be called a specimen of taste (think dirty sandals, opening a huge belly, and short hot pants). It is unlikely that someone would think to emulate her style!

No longer do you have six months to wear shapeless shirts and coveralls - even a pregnant woman can look like a model! Feminine dresses with high waist, leggings, shirts, emphasizing significantly increase the breast, tunics and even skinny jeans - Pregnancy has never looked so sexy and attractive!

Find out what things to fill your wardrobe to make you look like a superstar during pregnancy!

Jackets and dresses with smell

Comfortable and elegant dresses and sweaters made of light cotton or lycra suit for work and leisure. In addition, the clothes with the smell of transformative, so you can wear it to the end of pregnancy. Note the line of maternity clothing from Momzee, sustained in the current style "bohemian chic".

Style Icon: Gwyneth Paltrow


Name the garment, without which you can not do. Jeans, of course! Now you do not have to go to the sacrifice - to leave them in the long six months. Brands like AG jeans, Joe Jeans and Old Navy produce entire collection of jeans designed for expectant mothers! Simply append jeans tunic or shirt that stretched - and you are ready to enter!

Style Icon: Katie Holmes

Dresses with high waist

Dresses with high waist - perfect clothes for special occasions that you will visit during these nine months. It is not necessary to abandon the beautiful clothes just because you are pregnant, and so does not have to compromise with taste and dress up in an ugly shapeless robes with bows. High-waisted dress is very fashionable and generous rounded belly hides.

Style Icon: Sarah Jessica Parker


Prepare to be that in the course of pregnancy will "buzz" feet - the load on them increases, so there is nothing surprising. Graceful ballerinas are very beautiful and comfortable. Eesche one advantage of this shoe that you can wear it with anything - and with jeans and a fancy dress, depending on your goals!

Style Icon: Heidi Klum

Dress balloon

Dress-cylinder fits snugly bust and free-spending at the waist, making it ultra-fashionable clothes that can be worn with leggings or jeans.

Style Icon: Gwen Stefani

T-shirts and loose trousers wide

Without basic things in the locker room is not enough. Excellent maternity clothes offers Michael Stars - pay attention to his shirts or T-shirts. Comfortable, does not restrict movement pants can be found in the collection of maternity clothing from GAP. Simple clothing always looks stylish.

Style Icon: Angelina Jolie

Maternity Clothes evolves rapidly from tasteless and ugly Balakhonov to luxurious stylish outfits, and following the example of stylish stars, not to deviate from his style in these nine months now quite simple. Pregnancy can be a great and, more importantly, sexy. It is time to show the pregnancy, not hide it!

Tags: clothes, pregnancy, dress, log, trend, brand