What perfume men like

What perfume men like
 Most researchers are of the opinion that women are more sensitive to different smells, get to know them and to distinguish than men. But does this mean that the representatives of the strong half of mankind indifferent to what spirits use a girl? Of course not. But the simple answer to the question, what kind of perfume they like - it is impossible.
 Any opinion on this matter is subjective, the same as men does not happen, and they like different women - one a lifetime looking blondes, someone goes crazy with brunettes, someone like the subtle ladies, and someone - lady in sturdy body. The same applies to fragrances. Yet many girls wonder to what exactly smell "tend" their men.

Experts studying odorologiyu, there are four main fragrance: floral and fruity; east with aromas of musk, sandalwood, vanilla, spices, condiments, etc .; wood-leather, where there are notes of tobacco, leather, wood and a little citrus and fresh scent reminiscent of juicy, fragrant herbs and sea.

There exists a strong theory that the stronger sex, avid for blondes prefer floral scents, and the fans love brunettes spicy smells. Sweet fruity smell like men ambitious and self-confident and athletic, energetic nature closer in spirit refreshing scents of citrus, bergamot, saffron and almonds.

The creators of the spirits say that a great impression on the men produces the smell of musk, which is considered a strong aphrodisiac and is similar to the natural scent of the female body. Sexually attracted to a woman increases if the spirits also contain fragrance of ylang-ylang, ginger, rosemary, patchouli.

Highly ranked by odors assigned cinnamon and vanilla, which enjoy a significant number of men. How Come? Perhaps these smells cause pleasant associations with childhood, a warm home, and my mother's delicious pies.

So on what spirits as you have to stop your attention? It is unlikely that you will be guided by some theories, this is only speculation, which are not always supported by the facts. Probably, the most important criterion for selecting a perfume - is when the odor is suitable for you personally like. These spirits can give confidence and make you especially attractive in the eyes of men. Assessing a particular flavor, you should trust your own intuition.

The only thing you should always remember is that it is often strong, rich fragrance of a man is not attracted, but rather alarming. Much better if you will go for a light, barely visible trail of perfume, reminiscent of your extraordinary femininity and mystery.

Tags: man, spirit, choice, flavor, fragrance