In a world of flavors: What You Need to Know About Perfume

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 In the world of perfume, there are many flavors, each of which has its own character. To choose the right perfume or toilet water, we must first of all, to know how they differ, and also take into account the many other features.
 Aromas are classified depending on the concentration of perfume oils, music composition, flavor categories. Depending on the content or concentration of perfume oils flavors vary in intensity and persistence. These oils are also known as "juice." The most "juicy" flavors - a perfume (Parfum). The concentration of these oils amounts to 50%. In second place perfume water (Eau de Parfum) with the content of "juice" of 10-20%. Followed by toilet waters (Eau de Toilette) - 8-10%, cologne (Eau de Cologne) - 3-8%, and other perfumed products containing oils to 3% (LE): body spray, deodorant, aftershave lotions. The higher the concentration of "juice", the more stable flavor.

Aromas like musical works consist of notes that, combining with each other, create a composition. They revealed over time: first appear top notes, which creates the first impression about the flavor. Then you can feel the deeper notes, as a result of the skin remain basic. It is not recommended to choose the flavor, relying only on first impression produced by the top notes. Give it to open completely. As part of the top notes are present silnoaromatizirovannye components that evaporate quickly due to its volatility. The most commonly used citrus top notes are used, field, green, aldehyde, anise oil.

Middle notes are called "notes of the heart." They are perceived when dispersed top. Occur within 3 hours after application. The most popular have lavender and rose. Base notes are seen in about 30 minutes after applying the fragrance on the skin. They are divided into wood, balsamic, sweet, woody, musky, animal. Basic fix and reinforce the top and middle notes.

It is important that a certain category of fragrance combined with not only your character, but also with the time of day and season. Application citrus flavors allowed daily. But be aware that this day summer scent. Perfumes this category suitable for dynamic, outgoing women who prefer casual clothing.

Oriental fragrances are suitable for the evening. Notes such compositions more sensual, warm, thus causing their best in winter and for special occasions. Perfumes eastern categories for passionate, seductive woman.

The next category - floral aromas. They are suitable for any time of year and for any occasion. These fragrances will appreciate the romantic person, who prefers sensual floral aromas. Just like the flower, at any time of the year can be applied chypre composition. They are suitable for self-confident woman who prefers a refined style of rich and intense flavors.

Tags: water, spirit, peace, fragrance, perfumes