Select your spirits suitable only to you - it is rather complicated. In this issue does not rely on the advice of close friends or advertising fashion brand. The same perfume in contact with the skin of different people, may issue different and dissimilar flavors. Choose scents that do not irritate you enjoy and improve your mood. Spirits can tell a lot about your temperament and preferences.
Aromas are applied only to a clean body. The ideal option would be to use a lotion, soap, body lotions, deodorant and one group with spirits. If this is not possible, try to pick up cosmetics with a neutral flavor that will not interrupt the spirits and mingle with them.
Perfume is usually applied to the wrists, shoulders, neck, elbow bend, temples, earlobes. Can be sprayed perfume in front of you at arm's length. Then boldly go into the cloud exquisite perfume.
To create your image, there is no need to apply perfume in large quantities. At all times it was considered rather bad taste. After all, everything is good in moderation. A strong smell of perfume can irritate people around them. Proper use of spirits - is a science. If you want to favorite fragrance accompany you throughout the whole day, then wear a bottle of perfume with a purse. If necessary, you can always use it at the right time.
Using constantly among spirits, women no longer feel their seductive aroma. Experts recommend that all cosmetic products from time to time change the perfume. After a while you will again be able to fully enjoy your favorite flavor.
In specialty stores offers a wide range of light and heavier fragrances. The latter are used usually in the evening, in the winter, when visiting theaters and parties. Light scents are good for spring and summer. Their most preferably applied in the morning. They are most appropriate in the workplace, offices and offices.
But on hot days and to the spirits of sports activities are best abandoned. Mingling with sweat, perfume can dramatically change the flavor and present you in the most unfavorable light. At such times, it is best to use neutral deodorants.
Proper use of beneficial spirits displays the unique beauty of any woman.