The most potent and effective technique - bath. When such effect of essential oils skin surface is directly in contact with the substance. Mix 40 g of honey, 20 g of salt, 5 g of sodium hydroxide and add warm bath. Apply this procedure is recommended 1-2 times a week. Start with 5 minutes, gradually increasing to 20 the session of the bath stand up slowly and in any case not wipe. Wrap a clean cotton sheets and soak for 15-20 minutes. After taking a bath drink plenty of water can with lemon.
For greater effect when taking a bath, use the oil burner that enhance the therapeutic effects of substances. Naparennoe room will create a sauna effect, and essential oils easily penetrate the skin and respiratory system. This procedure starts with 3-5 minutes.
Massage is also effective against stretch marks. A mixture of vegetable oils and massage (5: 3) will unsurpassed results. Rub the skin with a little effort to be in a circular motion for 40-60 minutes. Massage oil quickly warm up the necessary parts of the body, and vegetable oils have a beneficial effect on the apparent condition of the skin and the nervous system.
Do not forget that many of the essential and vegetable oils is not recommended for people suffering from diseases such as insomnia, hypertension, increased blood clotting, cramps, nervous exhaustion. Also not recommended to use aromatherapy for pregnant women without consulting a doctor. Carefully read the instructions and essential oils before use!