Pheromones: The secret of attraction

Pheromones: The secret of attraction
 Some manufacturers of perfumes as a means to conquer the hearts of the opposite sex pheromones are actively promoting. If you believe the promises, the perfume with pheromones can turn an ordinary woman in fatal and coveted for every man. Before you go in search of the magical perfume is to understand that actually are pheromones.

Pheromones love - these are special chemicals secreted by glands of all living beings, designed to excite the opposite sex. The highlight of these biological substances that can not be felt by the conventional sense of smell.

For the perception of hormones in the nose of a person is a separate body called Yakobsnovym channel. For a long time its existence has been questioned, but now scientists are unanimous that this channel is responsible for the perception of a smell of other people at the subconscious level.

The human body is arranged in such a way that the new information is transmitted to the captured pheromones without brain nerve endings located in the nose. Therefore, the smell is not there, but on a subconscious level is perceived as pleasant or not.

For the first time in talking about pheromones 60-ies of the last century, when a group of scientists in studying the behavior of silkworm moths managed to extract from the glands of female special substance that attracts males. Thereafter, studies were conducted on other animals, but the results were not too happy. It turned out that pheromones are exciting glands only members of this subspecies. Therefore, an attempt to release a perfume with pheromones monkeys failed, the men remained indifferent to them.

Until now, the principle working of pheromone influence on the brain, resulting in increased attractiveness of another person and is not clear. Nature has managed to make it so that pheromones are so different that for every person there is its second half. Particularly interesting personality pheromones, because each person on their own reaction. This casts doubt on the fact that the perfume with pheromones can be universal for all consumers. Production of pheromones hard to put on a stream. Therefore, the confidence that their content in the perfume composition is present in the right quantity to seduce a man, rather illusory.

Tags: spirit, attraction, love, secret truth