Values. Ideals. Beliefs

Values. Ideals. Beliefs
 Throughout his life, each person creates its own system of stable motives, which are formed on the basis of the relative independence of the circumstances, the selective attitude to different situations and objects. Worldview is a system of views of the whole person to the world, to take his place in it, through which it is guided in the behavior and activities. Outlook of the person consists of beliefs, ideals, values.

Orientation of the personality - a set of stable motives, regardless of the circumstances, orienting selective behavior of the individual. Orientation of the personality is characterized by such concepts as: desire, interest, inclination, value, ideal beliefs that are considered to be its main elements.

Value orientation - a mental state which expresses the reflection in the minds of human values ​​recognized it as a strategically important goal. Orientation of the personality is largely determined by the value orientations. Any material object, public attitudes or spiritual phenomenon can act as a value. Call the property value of a phenomenon or object that is able to satisfy the desires, needs, aptitudes, interests, human. As a result of man's awareness of their needs in accordance with the objects and phenomena of the world formed values. Valuable relation to the world around him does not arise as long as man for himself does not detect problematic meet the actual needs of their own. And the more problematic the satisfaction of this need, the object, phenomenon, or a way to satisfy it has great value. For example, life and health are valuable to humans as the time when he actually begin to threaten death and disease.

Called ideal image of the desired final goal, which is guided by a person at the moment and which plays a crucial role in the existence of its activities and taking actions. Among the basic values ​​of a particular role play are the ones who will get the ideal character. The ideal should be seen as the dominant motive activities and relationships of the individual.

Beliefs - conscious motives of the person who encouraged her to do things according to their own ideals and values, that is, its ideals and values ​​underlie beliefs of the individual.

Thus, values, beliefs and ideals - all closely intertwined and directly affect the behavior of the individual in society. The true essence of the person is not determined by its sometimes random actions and individual qualities, and the prevailing interests, beliefs, ideals and values.

Tags: personality, behavior, ideal values, beliefs