Our appearance - our thoughts

Our appearance - our thoughts
 Just look at the person a few seconds to realize that he is angry, depressed. Maybe he's the darling of fate or growler? A closer look and you can see that the man smiling through force, and that in fact he is now is not to fun.

What thoughts shape not only the minds, but also the appearance of man, noticed in ancient times. The phrase "you are what you think" justifies itself completely. People who are prone to pessimism eventually fall corners of the eyes, dull eyes himself, from frequent tears and depression appears more wrinkles, and his eyes light blue crowns under the eyes and swollen eyelids. Corners of their lips creeping down hard and finish straight vertical wrinkles. People who are prone to aggression, characterized by a sharp movement and "specific" look that read, "Do not climb, kill."

At the same optimistic view for many years does not lose its shine triumphant, often seen on the cheeks slightly flushed. Do optimists also have wrinkles, but these "crow's feet" around the eyes talk about their fun and love of life. Motivated people have a rapid gait. But shy "skromnyazhki" go uncertainly, slightly plunging his shoulders, often slouch. The pace of their gait or too fast (without looking up above the knees passersby) or mincing.

To change the appearance of its own, you need to change your thoughts. Whatever the problem has not brought life, do not forget that they are, and facial expression remains the same. Love yourself and to think about it as often as possible. Keep in mind the image that you associate yourself. Imagine what impression you would like to make on others. What you are wearing at this moment, what is your hair?

Become a purposeful man, the road to achieving the goals will become more confident. Do not neglect the rest. Smile more often passers-by to go. Singing his favorite tune anywhere - in the shower, in your own kitchen or on the way to the store. Do not be afraid to experiment in appearance, but do not make them a cult. Let your mind "live" good thoughts, and this learn to forgive and to cultivate the ability to just say, "I'm sorry."

Tags: appearance