Even as a child, listening to stories, we often present themselves in the role of a hero: a beautiful princess, a brave warrior, Cinderella or clever boy who does not cost anything to cheat evil giants. In children, these fantasies are realized in games. But when we grow up wanting to be strong, smart, brave, beautiful is not going away.
In place of the popular fairy tales come Movies: Action, romance, and even comedy, in which you can see almost ideal heroes, able to solve any problems in life: the original method of dating to prevent the end of the world. Well, who among us has not dreamed at least once: "That would be so I could / could! "?
People are trying to find the slightest resemblance between himself and the hero of the film, and to emphasize their dignity, to assert themselves before others and make them interested, often invent a different nickname. Especially common nicknames or nicknames on the Internet. The Internet gives people the opportunity to be the same as in everyday life, and try on different "masks".
People use nicknames on dating sites, chat rooms, online diaries, in different niche sites.
The nickname can be said about many things: about whether a person has a sense of humor, fantasy, make it clear exactly what the nature or quality of the external data a person wants to emphasize what he's interested or looking for that in the vast "World Wide Web".
Some choose their aggressive nicknames: Destroyer, Evil anonymous, detractors, etc.
Psychologists believe that the people who invent themselves nicknames like, there was fear, which later grew into resentment. These people use nicknames, protecting themselves from society, "closing" them.
It happens that nicknames are selected in order to compensate for the trait, which, in the opinion of the person in it, or it is not sufficiently developed. For example, tenderness may be called woman, tired of everyday life and the need to solve all the problems on their own, and the nickname Invincible is likely belongs diffident young man who did not always have the courage in everyday life.
The most difficult to guess what people hiding behind the nickname, abbreviation: OIT, STA, and others. As a rule, these nicknames people invest meaning understandable only to them. According to psychologists, people with such nicknames are very secretive, and it is unlikely they can be achieved frank and sincere.
Sometimes people come up with nicknames based on their emotional state: sad, desperate. Thus, they make it clear that the need for emotional support and understanding.
Also, a person may, in its report to the nickname Me: I am a lover, I want to be your only, etc.
Besides tales of early childhood for the child has a great influence attitude of parents. If parents often praise the child, tell him that he is capable of, wonderful, kind, it grows it is with this setting. Throughout his life it will be reflected in his actions and self-esteem. It is well known that we do appreciate themselves, so we are treated and others. Thus, certain of their positive qualities people will give themselves nicknames good and others will perceive them that way.
If the child's parents called unflattering words "incompetent," "slut," "lazy," "vredina", then he would feel that way. And then either choose a derogatory nickname based on the negative attitude towards yourself, or try to change using nicknames negative characteristics.
Sure, get a full picture of the person relying only on his nickname, is impossible. But, nevertheless, draw conclusions, as evidenced by one or another nickname, is a must. After all, even by the fact that expresses the nickname can decide whether or not to communicate with a person who clearly states its complexes or shortcomings.
But how to choose a nickname? If you come up with a nickname for participation in the game, it is desirable to match the theme of the game world. In order not to cause aggression of other Internet users, without causing or provoking invent nicknames. Better to choose original nicknames that can emphasize your individuality, not banal cat, Honey, etc.
Try to invent mental nicknames that will set you and others on positive thoughts and good humor, then the world will be a little kinder to you!