How to stop envying

How to stop envying
 Once there was envy in the human brain. Blossomed like a rose, presenting spikes all around. And people feel that bad feeling and envy, but did not know how to stop envying. And then one day he came up with the idea to divide the envy of the black, poor and white, ostensibly good. Since then, every time he was justified and in front of him, and to others that envies in white. But envy - it is in Africa and envy, as it did not name it. And it should not be divided into black and white, and completely remove from your life. How to stop envying knows women's magazine JustLady.

With envy face in everyone's life. Of particular relevance is the feeling has become in the modern world of wealth, when you want to coat better than Tanya, and the car more and more powerful than Anton. If appropriate opportunities to buy content wardrobe or garage not,how to stop envying? One can only gradually take on ramming his brain, the brain of her husband, as well as the gray matter of all those who are willing to listen to the constant rants about uncomplicated life.

Envy usually connects two people - envious and to whom he envies. The second side is often not even aware of his involvement in a secret affair, and peaceful lives, reaching set ourselves goals. As for the first part, then it this relationship, at best, sometimes manifests itself fits of anger and self-flagellation, and at worst - is the meaning of life. Break this strong link envious able, if he knowshow to stop envying.

How to stop envying

Well, where we do not have

Alain has long met her future husband, two years ago they got married, and now lead a quiet family life. The girl loves her husband and his comfortable home, but sometimes such envy sneaks when best friend Victoria once again talks about his club adventures, meeting new people and stunning entertainment. "So you want to sometimes make rash actions and go to fancy parties, but the husband of such a lifestyle is not exactly approve.How can you stop envying? "- Says with regret Alain.

What a surprise it was a homebody when her lonely and reckless girlfriend Vika came to visit with a bottle of champagne and a long story in the kitchen about how her poor and lonely, and she's jealous of white Alena, because she has a loving husband and own home. "I already want to settle down, get married, have a baby, but there are some types of Alfonso so frivolous," - cried Victoria, finishing another glass of champagne. After that, Alain understand exactlyhow to stop envying.

Sometimes we are not even aware that the object of envy would gladly changed places with us, gave all his wealth, cars, fur coats and diamonds in just one view of a loved one that we see every day, but do not attach any special significance. Imagine, it also happens that the boss would gladly changed places with his subordinates, giving her a part of their salary nachalnichesky, and with it great responsibility for the work of the entire department. It is unlikely that this reflects a subordinate, looked with envy at the new outfits successful boss and do not think abouthow to stop envying. A few years ago immigrated to Spain's neighbors would be happy to return to their kopeck piece, because there is someone to talk to, because banal nostalgia ...

Before you think that someone live better than you, just try to say to myself, "Well, where we are ...". Well, where there are relatives and friends of the people, where its kopeck piece (by the way, is newly renovated), where favorite work with harmful, but so sympathetic boss, with a small, but stable salary. And in Spain in Spain ... good, but home is best.

Attracting envy

As we have said, is often the object of envy does not know that envy him. But there are situations where it is not only aware of the envy of outsiders, but also provokes it.

Luda - quite a successful young lady reached certain heights in your career and recently found her prince on a white horse. But she herself admits that loves not just seek for something new in your life. Important to her is that her success envied by others. According to Luda, it allows her to feel better to be successful, its difference from other people, so that dream to have at least part of what is at it and do not knowhow to stop envying.

This behavior, according to psychologists, is not only unfair to those who do not know,how to stop envying. It is often an indicator of the problems that a person had to face in my life before. Luda behavior characteristic of girls who have experienced childhood lack of material resources or banal attention.

Learn to Luda features of his character? Then you time to think about what it really is capable of such behavior is to bring moral satisfaction. To do this, put yourself in the place of the one in whom you consciously or not quite deliberately trying to cause envy. What emotions this man can cause your behavior and how these emotions can help you in life? In fact, only a few will truly enjoy your victories and be thankful for what they are lucky to communicate with such a successful person like you.

But often stranger success, backed by boasting, no one does not cause positive emotions. You will be pleased to overhearing other people's conversations, which will be discussed in a completely undeserved your success? If you consistently share their success with those who do not know or do not want to knowhow to stop envyingThen such a conversation almost certainly take place. It you want?

Rejoice that you have in your life. It was you and not someone else, have to appreciate all its merits and live with a sense of pride in the goals achieved. No need to wait for approval, admiration or envy from others. Want to envy? Then envy themselves, as in the famous song of Philip Kirkorov "... To myself envious that you are so I ...." Such envy at least will not be destruction and negativity.

Each new day gives us new opportunities, which we often do not see spending time on such silly things like jealousy. Instead of once again complain about the success of a friend or neighbor is better to live your life, use all of its features. Thus, you will develop a unique quality - the ability to genuinely enjoy their accomplishments and successes of others.

 Inna Dmitrieva
Women's magazine JustLady