How to get rid of thoughts about the former

How to get rid of thoughts about the former
 After parting with a guy for a long time, many girls can not get it out of your head. Mentally, they keep coming back to the time when they were together, and all was well, or recall a painful breakup, which brought so much suffering. But in order to feel happy in the present, we can not live in the past. How did force myself to stop thinking about his former love?
 If you now and then bother thinking about the former, which can not be put out, put down, out of my head, remember that you have only two choices: either to try to forget this man, or to restore a relationship with him. In that case, when you are sure of your love for him one hundred percent and realize that there was a silly mistake, sever you, fight for it until the end. Do not feel sorry for it nor the time nor the energy. Forget your pride, because love - this is the only creative human activity. If you really are the two halves of loving, you eventually reunite. Do not let some quarrels and accidentally break your relationship.

Perhaps you keep still love your ex, but in his heart there is no longer a similar light feelings towards you. In such a situation, of course, should not be imposed, try to let him go. As you know, the best cure for unrequited love is new love. Therefore, do not turn in on themselves, be sure to get acquainted with other men interested in them. Because somewhere in the world is the very prince of the cherished dreams, who will be able to make you happy. But if you do not look for it, you run the risk of never meet him.

Also download yourself study, work, creative activity. Try to have had as little time on the sad and negative thoughts. If you find it difficult to enter yourself into a groove, spend more time with his family and best friends. Visit places of interest, party, drive into the countryside. Begin to play sports, such as swimming or fitness. Also, you can find yourself a pet that will not let you get bored. If things are really quite bad, contact a professional psychologist, who will try to help you get rid of tormenting thoughts.

Tags: love the idea