How to get rid of feelings of envy

How to get rid of feelings of envy
 It is not known at what point in the life of a man knows envy. Even as a child we like toys neighbor's child, and we beg parents are the same. At school we compete who is better dressed. At the Institute we envy of the bore, which delivers all the sessions as "excellent", without any special effort. In complete as much we know jealousy in adult life.  

In fact envy - feeling good. It is impossible not to envy, it is impossible not to compare yourself with others. Once people understand that everyone is different, he begins to compare yourself with others. Envy comes at a time when a person realizes that is deprived of something that is at the other.

But more often the envy eats man. His own purpose replaced goals object of envy. Every once felt this sense of devouring. Remember how frustrating it became the soul, when you heard about the success of a classmate, a former klutz. Now he is not just a Silent-troechnik and respected businessman, owner of factories.

Envy definitely need to get rid of this feeling destroys the positive energy, it sucks. You spend life not to achieve their goals, and to empty the accumulation of anger and frustration. Your life - it's your life. She is such as is necessary for you. Do not compare yourself with anyone.

Remember the old parable about the big and small tree. They exist peacefully side by side, because they do not compare themselves with each other. People who have reached more than yourself, you can only admire and learn from them. Think about what is behind the success and wealth, the losses and what heartache. Do you want to be on the site of successful people?

Point your envy in another direction, to create. Girlfriend slimmer and thinner? Urgent start to play sports and, finally, get your diet. A neighbor has a car? Sign up for a driving school, start learning the rules of the road. Remember, life is rarely someone presents good on a saucer with blue border. Be the creator of your destiny.

If you are jealous, do not give cause for envy. Humbly treat your success - you just got lucky a little more than someone else. Or do you just put more effort. But success in business and in the work - not a cause for pride, which will make your heart callous and cold. Be careful not to pride, it will bring loneliness.

Carefully review your life, because you also have something to be proud of. Let small, but it's achievements. Jealous of others, you will save up to scare away bad mood and good luck. Appreciate what you have now.

Tags: people, attitudes, feelings, jealousy