5 ways to escape from depression postnovogodny

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 New Year's Eve - is not only a feast for the senses and attempt to start life with a clean slate, but also a lot of stress on the body. In fact, after ten holiday falls again "join" in the work.

According to statistics, from mid-January to mid-March increases the number of suicide attempts, not to mention ordinary depression. The fact is that people are too believe in the magic and happy changes that they should bring the new year. Not all wish-fulfillment takes place immediately. To avoid depression, try to think of other holidays (Defender's Day, Valentine's Day, International Women's Day), which is not far off. Think how you hold them, with whom, what resources are needed for this.

After the Christmas holidays, even if they are passed without noisy parties, the body is difficult to "remember" that ten days ago he regularly woke up at the same time. To adapt more quickly, leave at the end of 2-3 days of rest, in which you'll get up early. If you are working, for example, from 9.00 to 18.00, in the period of adaptation in these hours, try to occupy yourself affair, rather than lying on the couch. So the body will quickly realize what he should do, and easier to return to postnovogodny reality.

On the eve of leaving for work go to bed early, and in the morning fitness cheer up, or at least the usual five-minute-gymnastics. Physical activity "wake up" the body, the brain is filled with oxygen, resulting in the body itself will come into operation.

Even a few days before the new year, when literally all companies comes "hot" it is time associated with pulling the "tails", try to give everything. You should start the year with a new business, and not with the completion last year.

Depression never appears in those who strongly something inspired or passionate about. When a person is engaged in a truly interesting work on the spleen had no time. Remember, what you think of desire under the chiming clock and start to act to dream turned into reality.

Tags: year, new depression method