How to justify the increase

How to justify the increase
 Higher salaries or positions must be properly execute and justified in order. Justification increase legislator left to the discretion of the head, but the design is clearly regulated by the Labor Code.
 If you raise salaries, the obligation for the two months before the fact to warn employees by presenting a written notice (Article №№ 134, 135 of the LC RF). Familiarize everyone with a receipt notice. On the day of increase, make a supplementary agreement to the main employment contract. Select all of the items that have changed it. If you obosnuete salary increase extension of the duties performed, make this item in the supplementary agreement and details on new responsibilities.

Release order unified form number T-5. In the order specify terms wage increases, the amount justification. As justification, indicating a change of job duties, training with the document number, diploma or other document confirming the increased knowledge, great experience, expertise, etc. Also, as a justification, you can specify the reason for higher wages "due to inflation." In this case, in order to make the link to the article number 134 of the LC RF.

Familiarize employees or employees with the order receipt. Apply to the accounting notice of the date, which should be made a new calculation and the list of employees that you raised the salary.

If you are promotion of staff, it is necessary to inform him about this for two months. Under the notice is received signature. Two months later, the main contract to make a supplementary agreement. Specify in the agreement for promotion, if no time is specified, the increase should be considered indefinite.

Release order. Point it to the new job title, name of the employee, the rationale for the promotion. As in the case of a pay raise, you can refer to a diploma, training with the number obtained certificates, great experience.

Tags: promotion, salary, position