How to calculate wages for overtime

How to calculate wages for overtime
 Some employers, assessing the productivity of employees and the ability to perform a particular job can attract staff to work overtime. Typically, the processing is not paid in a standard way, ie at higher rates.
 According to the Labour Law, the manager does not have the right to engage employees to work overtime. First of all, you must obtain written consent for processing. But the law (Article 99 of the LC RF) is also provided for those cases where the employer can force employees to work after office hours, for example, for troubleshooting, arising as a result of the disaster. The exceptions are pregnant women, minors staff - in these cases, recycling is strictly prohibited.

To calculate wages for overtime should be aware that if the total amount of waste sverhnormy hours per day is less than two, then the payment is made-a-half; if more than two - a double. Note that the labor legislation provides a framework and overtime: an employee can not work 4 hours sverhnormy two days in a row, and the number of hours per year processing shall not exceed 120 hours.

Before you calculate the fee for processing, you must determine the number of hours worked sverhnormy. To do this, use timesheets, and shall describe each day on a piece of paper.

Next, determine the amount of payment for one hour of working time. To do this, the salary divide by number of hours worked, excluding processing time. For example, an engineer Ivanov in July had to work 182 hours are 6:00 sverhnormy: July 2 - 1, 5 hours; July 5 - 3 hours; July 8 - 1, 5 hours. Monthly salary of an employee is 20,000 rubles. Thus, 20,000 rubles / 176 hours = 113, 64 rubles / hour.

Since the 2 and 8 July Ivanov worked sverhnormy 1, 5 hours, for calculation shall be the rate which is equal to 1, 5. Thus, 113, 64 * 1, 5 = 170, 46 rubles per hour processing. In three hours, payment is 170, 46rublya 3hours * = 511, 38 rubles.

To calculate the payment for July 5 (3:00 sverhnormy), you have 113, 64 rubles * 2 * 3hours = 681, 84 rubles. Thus, the amount of the employee's salary for July will be equal to 20000 + 511 38 681 + 84 = 21193, 22 rubles. To this amount, add and subtract regional rates of personal income tax (13%).

Tags: salary, pay, payment, overtime, processing