Shampoo with ginseng root

Shampoo with ginseng root
 Shampoo with ginseng root - is a unique tool for washing hair, created according to ancient recipes dynasty Lan. Not surprisingly, many Chinese women have long, shiny beautiful hair without using costly procedures lamination, glazing and screening.
 Unique shampoo with natural ginseng root in each vial contains only natural ingredients with no artificial preservatives, dyes and other excipients. In the composition of natural spring water, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, ginseng extract, citric acid to maintain a shampoo for long time.

Shampoo with ginseng root helps intensive nutrition, restore the structure of damaged hair, well foams, carefully and very effectively cleanses the hair, suitable for daily or frequent use, strengthens the roots, promotes nutrition bulbs, which significantly strengthens hair and accelerates their growth in two or three times . In addition, ginseng - a natural antioxidant that helps to eliminate free radicals, so the shampoo is ideal as an anti-aging agent in the presence of a large amount of gray hair when the hair is extremely tough and rebellious.

From the first application of shampoo noticeable significant difference. Smoothed her hair, damaged ends are almost invisible, dandruff disappears. In applying for one week completely stop hair loss. Curls literally shine with beauty and health.

Shampoo suitable for women, men and even children, does not cause an allergic reaction. 450 ml flask volume. To enhance the action of shampoo, the most effective use of two tools - shampoo and conditioner.

Dosing shampoo ginseng such as by using any detergent for the hair. On damp hair should apply a small amount of shampoo and gently spread over the entire length, lather, rinse with plenty of clean, warm water, apply balm-conditioner for 2-3 minutes, rinse thoroughly, wet hair soft towel to dry naturally or with a hair dryer.

Tags: shampoo, action property ginseng