How to lighten blonde hair

How to lighten blonde hair
 Make blonde hair for a few shades lighter can using proven popular recipes. This procedure does not take much of your time and do not require large expenditures, and the result will be pleasantly surprised.
 Clarifying agent based on glycerol

Prepare a special infusion. To this end, 2 tablespoons of chamomile pharmacy (dry) pour boiling water (1 cup). Container with a tight lid, cover with broth. After 30-40 minutes, strain the infusion and add 2 tablespoons of glycerin (you can buy it at a pharmacy or a specialty store). Ready means is applied to wet hair clean. Top head is recommended to wrap a plastic bag. After 30-40 minutes the remains of funds are washed with warm running water. Thus, the regular use of this mask you will be able to lighten your hair 1-2 tones.

Broth-based chamomile

This tool is absolutely safe for the hair. It is able to lighten your curls and give them a healthy shine and strength. For an infusion pharmacy chamomile (2 tablespoons) pour 1 cup of water and bring to a boil over low heat. After this, the infusion must be cool and drain. Ready means is used as a rinse after each shampooing.

Lightening hair with lemon juice

This tool is not recommended for routine use, as it has properties dries, leading to excessive hair breakage. For the preparation you will need juice of 1 lemon, 2 teaspoons of honey and 1/2 cup warm water. These components are thoroughly mixed and applied to wet hair. After 20-30 minutes the remains of funds are washed with warm water.

Lightening hair kefir

It is absolutely harmless clarification. This means great accelerates hair growth and helps to restore their structure. To cook 2 tablespoons of yogurt mixed with the same amount of lemon juice, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. l. alcohol or vodka, 1 teaspoon of shampoo. This agent is applied to dry hair, is distributed uniformly over the entire length. After 20-30 minutes the remains of funds are washed with warm water with a little shampoo or balm.

Tags: hair, house, lighting