Horse shampoo: Myths and Truths

Horse shampoo: Myths and Truths
 Horse shampoo - another online fashion. All and sundry discuss a miracle cure for hair and very much attributed to him. Try to understand how much truth there.

"Just after the second application of compacted hair, become more manageable and silky acquire softness and volume" - about stuff like that so many speak of the new trends online fashion on equine shampoo. It is difficult to say when and who invented wash your hair with shampoo for horse's mane and tail, but quite recently this idea has captured the imagination of the Internet population.

Everyone certainly has ever heard of so level Ph, which determines the acid-alkaline balance. In human hair also has its own level of Ph. Considered neutral Ph 7.0, try to take into account this fact means manufacturers of hair care products. If the acidic environment will prevail - the skin hair will be to allocate more sebum. Hair will quickly become dirty and grow slowly, and if Ph higher than normal - the scalp is flaking, dandruff appear, itching, etc.

Now note the fact that the level of Ph in horsehair below human. It is equal to about 6, 7-6, 8. Already there is something to think about. Horse shampoo contains more alkaline than a human, hence the conclusion - for people with dry and brittle hair, he just is contraindicated. Besides this horse shampoo contains ten times more surface active detergent compounds, but they have proved not very good for the skin.

If you still want to try to imagine the action of shampoo, remember:
• Horse shampoo is contraindicated for people with dry hair;
• Shampoo be diluted by more than 10 times;
• Do not use horse shampoo more than once a week;
• Very carefully monitor their hair. If you notice a deterioration - immediately stop use.

Do not forget that the state of your hair is not only a consequence of the use of shampoo, but indicator of the health of your body as a whole. Therefore, watch your health and try to lead an active life.

Tags: shampoo, however, the property, the myth