Body parts: stomach pumped

 A little anatomy, disillusionment and inspiring pictures. At this time, the object of study is the theme of our life.

In a conversation with the coach Pilates we somehow raised the issue when you need to start training to fly to get in shape, make the stomach pumped up. She talked about how fun look of hope girls enroll in classes in March and April, on a flat stomach by June. That's six months of training can already give the result.

Pilates or yoga form the basis of the muscles, work on flexibility and endurance. If you want to have a contoured shape and pronounced muscles, it is best to combine these exercises with the gym. Weight training, running, or at least morning exercise will be a great addition to the basic training, which is usually held two or three times a week.

Another misconception-You can remove the stomach, only shaking news. Making even 100 housing boom at a time in a way that showed fizruk still in school, lead figure in order not work.

Here are some of the sites is the abdominal department:

Body parts: stomach pumped

Exercises to strengthen these myshsch must be combined with the training of the back, legs, arms. On them you need to remember when performing almost all the exercises and keep on their toes.

Contrary to popular belief beginners workout results appear fairly quickly. It is only later, when the general good shape on that to create a pattern in the abdomen, will take months and years to come. By the way, the biggest meet cubes-rectus abdominis.

Do not operate at the limit, concentrating all power in one area. Exercises that are left feeling exhausted and full of weakness, not speed up the process: strain muscles for them is the same as that overeating stomach.

Do not worry, embossed stomach will not immediately. Because of the physiological characteristics of the female body work on the muscles is given more difficult than the male, and overdo it with cubes on her belly without special dressing in the form of dietary supplements and professional products you are unlikely to succeed. In any case, in your power to control the process and leave a portion of sexual zhirochka.

And finally, a few motivational pictures.

Body parts: stomach pumped

Body parts: stomach pumped

Body parts: stomach pumped

Body parts: stomach pumped

Michaela Augustsson

Body parts: stomach pumped

Body parts: stomach pumped

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Body parts: stomach pumped

Body parts: stomach pumped

Body parts: stomach pumped

Body parts: stomach pumped

Body parts: stomach pumped

Body parts: stomach pumped

Fernanda Rocha

Body parts: stomach pumped

Body parts: stomach pumped

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Body parts: stomach pumped

Body parts: stomach pumped

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