And do not go if you walk ...

 Habit every night to go out to walk without a specific purpose, just to get some air, meet friends, discuss the latest news fades.

In school or college years did not cause any issues offer to go for an hour or two before bedtime. Now even children prefer to stay at home and take the time games or social networking.

Evening exercise along the paths of past centuries gardens, built in the English or the French manner, or walk along the shore merchants broad Volga committed on foot. Plenty of room to walk is vast and varied: from the ocean coast to mountain peaks.
The habit of walking (walking) is not just a fad, format or way of life, it is a useful exercise to maintain physical fitness. Cardiologists strongly recommend to perform on 5,000 steps a day, fewer in the absence of other activity considered to be alarming. And in order to improve its form, it is necessary to pass 10 000 steps per day, which is about 8 km.
Interestingly, the researchers describe figuratively step as a controlled fall, which prevents the front support leg. Walk a lot of options: athletic, intense, wellness, which is closely linked with the terrain, and others. Popular options such as Nordic walking and author programs fitness trainers, for example, Walk at Home Leslie Sansone.
And do not go if you walk ...
Walking though looks very funny, is a full Olympic discipline. In this sport there is a requirement that is very difficult to observe - not to take both feet at the same time, that is not to go on a run. Most often, athletes (called Skorokhod) goes the distance because of this error. In race walking need more stamina. The most difficult program, 50 km, there are only male winner.
And do not go if you walk ...
The rise in the mountains - a kind of walk. To it must be approached thoroughly. Without a good workout to make it not worth it, because ascent and descent is much heavier than the usual walk. It is necessary to take into account the state of health, because the air at the top of the sparse, and consider equipment.
And do not go if you walk ...
Going to any long march must take into account many aspects: to bring water, food, a charged cell phone, wear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses or warm clothing, depending on the time of year, and to be careful and cautious in unknown terrain.
With Nordic walking sticks are used, similar to skiing. They help reduce the load on the legs and effectively train the muscles of the upper body. This interest is now quite common. Scandinavian community of fans or, as it is called, Norman walk there in different parts of Russia.
And do not go if you walk ...
Clubs or community - a great motivational tool. Not necessarily to create an organization to find like-minded enough to have a social network group and create thematic site.
For some important companies, for others - conditions. And the fact that walking is not too exciting in itself, it is difficult to argue. How to force yourself to do 10,000 steps a day walking and diversify?
If the self-organization is bad, you can find a job that would be located at a considerable distance from the house, or metro station - take the right amount of steps you want - do not want to have.
I think this problem should not be the parents of young children and the owners of dogs, because they daily needs fresh air.
And do not go if you walk ...
In extreme cases, rescue mobile phone with music, audio books or language lessons. Gadget and need to keep track of the number of steps. Among the most popular applications are Pedometer or Accupedo. And you can buy a separate electronic device. Modern pedometers are compact, have the form of a wristband or key fob. The main thing - make it a rule every evening to share the number of kilometers traveled with friends on social networks, learn how to set goals for the week, month, year.
If all this sounds convincing, have to use the last trump. Example artist Simon Beck exactly should inspire a walk. He found his calling in the "trampling" wonderful snowflakes and ornaments in the snow.
And do not go if you walk ...
And do not go if you walk ...
And do not go if you walk ...
And do not go if you walk ...
And do not go if you walk ...
And do not go if you walk ...
And do not go if you walk ...
And do not go if you walk ...
And do not go if you walk ...
And do not go if you walk ...
And do not go if you walk ...
And do not go if you walk ...
And do not go if you walk ...
Using snowshoes, Simon dedicates the work week, pacing for 5-9 hours a day. Of course, there are pictures in the snow for long, but that does not make for the sake of art!