Give nonsense like candlesticks or no binding statue with wings gilded always have time. But give, say, dragon eggs with cookies inside - it will not foot touched the beetle. It is believed that endows instantly grow white wavy hair, and she immediately begins to speak the language of the Khala.
$ 29.99 in the HBO Store
In fact, it is the series "Game of Thrones" today beats all imaginable and unimaginable records on the number of souvenir items, created on its grounds. It is enough to cast and hand painted throne price of 30,000 dollars, which has been struggling for several seasons several clans.
$ 30,000 in the HBO Store
"Game of Thrones" - a show where a lot not only unmotivated violence and sex, but also where there is always room speakerphoneBlood Wedding drunk. With such a set of stamp glasses, consider the same table you will be able to reconcile and Lannister and Stark and Targaryen and Baratheon, and Greydzhoev.
$ 39.99 in the HBO Store
A place to visit all the famous characters of the series will board game on its grounds. Fortunately, it has even been translated into Russian.
2 590 rubles in the store "Mosigra"
But as they say, is not a "game" single. To film the brainchild of George Martin is not the only popular series in the world. Released a few decades ago "Twin Peaks" by David Lynch, for example, is still listed in the list of favorite series. For his fans, too, there is a couple of remarkable gifts. Naturally, the first to come to mind recorder "Diana" Agent Cooper, for which he writes pathetic arguments about the murder of Laura Palmer. Recorder would be relevant as a gift 20 years ago. Today it is possible under the "make up" favorite iPhone.
$ 45.41 in
One of the most memorable episodes of "Twin Peaks" had scenes shot in a red room with black and white zigzag floor where dancing dwarf. Mimic this room will help donated shirt style redroom.
£ 22.00 in
You can not forget about the triumphant ending this year series "Breaking Bad" about varschikov methamphetamine. For those who have already begun to suffer from a lack of Heisenberg on television, coined by Heisenberg, who will constantly monitor the cooking in the kitchen.
$ 19.90 to Etsy
And in the category "The New Year's gift for serial boom" wins the ball with a van from Albuquerque, which fall on top of blue crystals meta (unreal, of course).
£ 24.99 in
As a gift to fans is unreal meta invited to cook blue crystals on their own, without buying them at exorbitant prices on Amazon. Master class in the video:
For fans of "Sherlock" the creators of the series have already prepared a New Year gift. January 1 will be released the first series of the new season, where the hero Cumberbatch will live and tell you how he did it by jumping from the roof and crashed. But burdened by expectations may obtain other themed gifts. For example, the stupid hat Sherlock.
$ 16.99 at
Or again Case for Phone, whose picture is directly related to the theme of the phone, which was played in one of the series. I recall that in the empty fields encrypted letters SHE R.
$ 40.16 in
For those who are still more loved Moriarty, procured another case.
$ 40.16
And if you're having fun on "Sherlock" with his friend, you can kill two birds with one stone by ordering these bracelets.
$ 28.95 to Etsy
If you want to give the gift not only fan-made, but also beautiful, so there for the fans "Downton Abbey." Especially for them, the brand created in 1928 Jewelry jewelry collection in the spirit of the early XX century England.
$ 35 at
Well, no matter how tired we "Big Bang Theory" and the word song, which Sheldon, each time falling ill, asks to sing Penny seems to have learned everything. That same kitten, appearing in the song finally created. He is warm, soft, singing and purr, purr, purr.
$ 29.99 per TBS Shop
In a word, and it is only a small part of what you can think of as a gift to the TV boom. After all, religious images from series now applied not only on mugs and t-shirts, but also terrible to say, on yoga mats! Wow, just see such a fan of "Dexter" with blood on the carpet Hatha!