Why you can not play with food?

 All of us in childhood is strictly said: "Do not play with food! ". And we sort of did not play. Designers, however, have left this venture so simply and rethink her already in adult life.

Why you can not play with food?

Designer Delphine Huguetcame up with an edible fruit of origami paper - the thinnest layers of dried fruit juice, just like candy. They are made from natural fruits and berries, making them ideal for folding origami. Fruit leavesEat-it - A play on words with a Post-it, they look really similar.
Why you can not play with food?
In addition to the origami dolphin project Eat Art beginning to put drawings on paper. But most amazing of her works - a menu with flavors probes created by the same technology that leaves and fruit. Since the restaurant you can try right dish taste before you order it.
Why you can not play with food?
Why you can not play with food?
The following folding pieces - authorship designer Lisa Mishima, about which I wrote. She was in the same spirit continues to invent an unusual approach in the design of food.
S'mores - a traditional American dessert sandwich of roasted over a campfire marshmallow with chocolate and crackers. Collects this dessert yourself every man.
Why you can not play with food?
Why you can not play with food?
Why you can not play with food?
Chirachi Origami- Essentially similar project, but unsweetened. Lisa decided to make edible origami boxes for rice and traditional nori for that did not fit - too fragile. But soy leaves were perfect.
Why you can not play with food?
Why you can not play with food?
Why you can not play with food?
Fruit Leather Tangrams- Is food with which to play. At the heart of this project is the Chinese Tangram puzzle - folding figures from 7 different geometric shapes.
«Fruit leather» in English - that's what we call a pastille. The one that previously rolled out of a jam thin slices and dried on the roof. In English, this definition is more precise - it also conveys similarities marshmallow texture and skin.
Lisa Mishima recognizes that candy was her favorite food as a child. Actually, with rolling pastes it started. Making 5 plates of several kinds, she began to cut them into small pieces to collect figurines of them.
Why you can not play with food?
Why you can not play with food?Why you can not play with food?
Why you can not play with food?Why you can not play with food?
Why you can not play with food?
Why you can not play with food?
Why you can not play with food?Why you can not play with food?
Why you can not play with food?
The story with edible Tangram ends. Chocolate fact - also suitable texture for this puzzle. Stogrammovye Tangram 100 Gram Tangram authorship designer Anke Bernotat even have themed - white chocolate for romantic messages.
Why you can not play with food?
Why you can not play with food?
Adults and children who want to play with food, without going beyond the bounds of decency, it is worth to buy special plates to create edible collages. Plates with a girl, tree and crane can complement a meal, to get a full picture. A pleasant discovery in this design is also the fact that the authors of dishes - from the Russian company "Two birdies."
Why you can not play with food?
Why you can not play with food?Why you can not play with food?